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Okay so this really happened. I was sitting in my room talking to one of my best guy friends on the phone (I'm a girl) and my mom and my sister were in the room at the end of the hallway (it's a really short hallway) and they yelled at me to stop talking to my friend and they know we're dating. I yelled back, "just because two people of the opposite gender happen to be talking doesn't mean they are dating. *pause* especially when one of them is gay!" And then my sister started to sing ally hills. They then asked what the difference between pansexuality and bisexuality was so I told them and at the end I added, "No we do NOT have sex with pans." My mom burst in and asked if that was why I have a frying pan in my room and I was HORRIFIED. (I have a frying pan in my room because about a year ago I didn't feel safe so I took it out of the kitchen and slept with it under my pillow.)

*This one is actually something that just happened to me. I didn't find this on the internet*

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