Letter one

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Dear Dad,
Today was horrible, last night you and mum had a fight, and then when I got home mum treated my like a three year old and told me nothing, I asked where my father was, she was so stubborn about it. I hope you do come home soon, I wouldn't be able to live without you dad.

Today at school a boy I hate asked me out, me? Eww he is so gross, I caught him picking his nose, and then he ... Swallowed it, the whole class gaged. Of course I said no, there's no way in hell I was going to go out with Jimmy. Tomorrow the '27th of August' is my birthday, I'm not having a birthday party any one, I was but mum told me to tell everyone it's not on anymore, why is she treating me like a child, dad can I ask you something? Did you take my little sister Daisy with you when you left by any chance? As soon as you left I woke up as you slammed the front door shut, I went into the lounge room and I found my crying on the floor against the front door, what happened? Did Daisy get hurt? Are you leaving us? Are you taking Daisy? So I went up to her, and I was terrified she yelled at me "it's all your fault" and then started balling, I ran to my room while crying, I could recognise my own mother I went to go and protect Daisy and ran to her room, she wasn't in there, as I turned around to walk bad down the hall to my room mum was at the door way she came up to me and gave me a firm hug. I was so confused and frustrated, I pushed her of me, "where's dad and Daisy?" I ask while crying with confusion "go to bed!" Mum yelled and pushed me down the hall, why is she being crazy? Dad come home please, and bring Daisy, I don't know where she went, every time I ask her she avoids the answer and the question itself.

Dad where are you? Are you on a business trip with Daisy? Or are you on a road trip? Or spending as much time away from me? Please tell me what I did. This is all my fault if I weren't annoying I wouldn't have made you and mum separate, or because me and Daisy fight a few times, just tell me.

Bye dad, mums calling me, she's mad at you I don't know why, tell Daisy I love her if she's with you
Love Madison

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