Back story- What really happened

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This is to help you understand what happened to Daisy when you've finished reading the short story.

In this book; short story there will be a lot of confusion, as a family keeps on sending letters to each other regarding questions about the little sister, this is because Daisy has passed away, what happened was; her dad and Daisy were going to the shops, Daisy was very sick as she had Leukaemia, there was no cure, and when her and her dad were at the shops, Henry (her dad) went to get something out of the car, Daisy proceeded across the road, a car didn't see poor little Daisy and hit her, she instantly died when the car hit her, now Henry blames himself and has recently got depressed from the incident, Madison knew Daisy was sick but didn't know that she had leukaemia as her parents didn't want to confuse things, Madison is an 8-9 year old, she doesn't understand why her sister is in 'heaven' until she's older, Daisy was roughly 4-5 years old Madison is very confused a lot of the time.

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