Letter five

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Dear Henry
You .... How could you kill a 5 year old? I am crushed that you gave me no choice, I cannot let you see Madison, not until I can trust you again, that would take a while. How could you let your eyes off a 5 year old? Why? She was walking to a busy road and you were too busy day dreaming! Do you even know how to look after a child? because of this its my responsibility to choose that we shouldn't live in the same house for a while, she can still visit and see you, I .... I just need ..... Time. I hope you'll understand. I can't tell Madison what happened not until she's at least 13, so you'll have to wait a couple of years to explain this to her. I don't mind the letters you've been sending to her, and stop trying to say you love me to a nine year old, she doesn't understand yet why can't you get that? Your physically and emotionally unstable, therefore I want to help you ...... but I don't know if I can, why can't you get that?

Goodbye, husband I will always love you, just need time xx
From your wife- Elizabeth

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