Letter two

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Dearest Madison,
Be strong darling look after your mother, I love you cupcake, remember that no matter what happens, Daisy's not hiding she's resting, I wish I could see you, Madison tell your mum I love her, hopefully your mum will let me back at our house but for now I want you to trust me okay? Accidents happen a lot and that's what happened, I love and miss you too cupcake. Don't forget that, it's okay to be scared at times, but I know how strong you can be, you'll get through this, you'll always be daddy's little girl, Madison I'm sorry if you feel lonely or sad, hopefully when your older I can explain this whole 'accident' to you, but until then I want you to be happy. And enjoy life, hopefully the bullies stop harassing you, remember if they hurt or say mean things to you I want you to stand your ground and keep you head held high, don't believe them or even a second, your smarter and stronger than they'll ever be, don't worry about Jimmy, boys
have gross habits some times, maybe you should give him a shot at your boyfriend, not now though, when your older, Madison don't listen to your mother, it's not your fault nothing is or was, your mother is just confused

I love you cupcake, forever and always
Love dad

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