Letter four

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Dearest Madison,
I sent you a cupcake, card and a present, sorry it hasn't turned up yet, it might take a while, your mother was right, Daisy's not hiding darling she's in heaven, you might not understand what that is but, Madison you can't visit or see her ever again, I'm sorry it has to be like this, but it's okay because you still have friends and family to help you get through this. It might not make sense but you need to need to be there for Daisy, how is she, I'll love you and your mother until the day I die remember that, I hope your mother will too. Cupcake I'm sorry that I can't see you but you'll have to wait a little while until I can see you next. I hope your going well at school, and I hope your making lots of friends. Your mother is not crazy or going crazy she's just upset and angry.

Sorry I can't write that much to you right now
Love you cupcake
Love dad.

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