Chapter 8

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'LAUREN!!' I screamed at the top of my lungs 'LAUREN OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!!' I screamed as loud as I could, banging on her locked bedroom door 'I FUCKING SWEAR TO GOD IF THIS DOOR ISN'T OPEN IN 10 SECONDS I WILL KICK IT DOWN'

'What are you shouting about?' Marcus said rubbing his eyes, clearly he had been sleeping.

'OPEN IT, NOW!' I screamed and I looked at him desperately, he fiddled with the handle before speaking

'It's locked' stupid twat.

'WELL NEVER!' I yelled sarcastically knowing this was not the time for his stupidity. I signalled at the door to him, and before I knew it he had kicked through the door, and to me it felt as if the door fell in slow motion. As it fell, I saw my best friend lay on the floor, pale, motionless. She had vomit coming out the corner of her mouth as she lay on her back, clearly unconscious.

'fuck call 999' I shouted, running to her and shoving her on her side knowing that was the best I could do. I checked for a pulse, luckily there was one but it was weak. 'Lauren' I cried slapping her cheek hoping she would wake up, but she didn't.

'It's on its way' Marcus came running in next to me, as he did I looked around me and something caught my eye, her anti-depressants. The whole bottle was empty 'Has she..?' Marcus said not wanting to say it so I just nodded, hugging her trying to keep her warm. Time passed so slowly, every second pained me to see her like this. I knew she was going through a bad time..but I didn't think she'd do this again.

'Okay Martin I'm going to need a stretcher and a throat tube we need to get whatever she's taken up ASAP' the paramedic said 'I'm Abigail, do you know what your friends taken?' She said clearly trying to puzzle everything together knowing she had taken something from the froth on her face

'Her anti-depressants' I said handing her the tub, shaking.

'It's okay sweet heart, we'll do everything we can to help her. What's her name?' She spoke softly trying to calm me down.

'Lauren' I managed to get out trying to pull myself together as the other member of the ambulance crew came in. Oh shit.

'She's stable, but struggling' the doctor said to me in the waiting room, since I was the only one allowed there as I said I was her sister 'Honestly, it's not looking good. She must of been there a while' he huffed and my heart broke 'We pumped her stomach, and she's not awake. Let's hope she's a fighter' the doctor spoke, every word hurt.

'T-thank you' I said

'Your welcome to have a few friends in here with you, if you need anything just ask' he said nodding, and I looked around the room knowing this would be the place I would need to get used to for a while. I thanked him and he left the room, as he did I texted James, Marcus and yes Brad. He always seemed to help in these situations, and honestly I knew James would need him for support too. It wasn't long before they all arrived, and Marcus was the first to pull me into a tight hug. My eyes were watering and I cried into his t-shirt, before I pulled away, and threw myself on Brad.

'I-she' I couldn't speak, and my breathing felt hitched. He rubbed my hair on the back of my head, holding me tight.

'Shh it's okay' he cooed, as my breathing slowed, we slowly fell to the floor, not letting go of each other. I let my tears fall on him as he stroked my back in circles, making me feel like nothing ever happened once again.

'Do you want a drink?' Marcus asked me and I nodded and asked him for a bottle of water. The doctor said I could go see her, but I couldn't pull the courage. I told Brad and asked him to come with me which of corse he agreed too, so we left the room ready to go to the Intensive Care Unit.

'You ready?' He asked me, squeezing my hand as reassurance knowing I was struggling. I closed my eyes tightly for a second, and nodded. As I walked into the room there was my best friend. Pale..lifeless. Her hair covered her face, but she still looked beautiful to me. I walked over to her, shaking. I used my finger to move the hair of her face, and her skin was cold to touch. 'You okay?' He asked and I nodded slightly, letting go of his hand and replacing it with Laurens.

'Okay, so the doctor told me you might be able to hear me..I'm not sure. But you got this beautiful, you a fighter and you always have been.. I mean you lived with me for 2 years you have to be. I honestly can't do this without you, and your my wifey so please don't make me a widow because that sounds old and sad. I need you' I cried, bringing her hand to my face, and I felt Brad's in my back. Tears fell down my face, and I could taste them on the tip of my tongue 'you've got this' I was shaking uncontrollably, not knowing how to handle this situation I was put in. She was my best friend, more like my sister. The one person I could count on through everything, she's annoying and weird as fuck but I love her. I looked around the room, so many wires she looked like a robot. The only sound that was filling the room was the beep of the machines, or the occasional sob which escaped my mouth. Brad sat on the chair behind me, not saying anything. Knowing nothing he could say would help, only she could help.


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