Chapter 41

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'AMELIA ARE YOU READY?' Harry called from downstairs as I finished putting my mascara on my eyelashes, and placing it back in my makeup bag.

'Yeah' I shouted back, unplugging my phone, ready to go out for birthday breakfast. I was wearing black skinny jeans, and an oversized hoodie just because it was a bit cold outside and my hair was up in a messy bun.

'You look pretty' harry said as I walked down the stairs and I looked at him weirdly

'I'm literally in a hoodie' I shook my head laughing at him. I still didn't even feel like it was my birthday, and I'm guessing it was because I hadn't heard from Brad. I was a little annoyed but I just kept telling myself he was busy.

Harry drove to the American diner, because all I wanted was pancakes. We went in, ordered our food and sat with a coffee and had a catch up about the release of his new album. It was so amazing, I cried a little.

'Has Brad spoken to you today then?' He said, as we tucked into our pancakes which looked so amazing I had to Instagram them first.

'No, he's probably busy or something' I shrugged

'That's still no excuse' I tried my best to avoid the topic.

'It's fine, I'm really not that arsed' I smiled a little at him and he nodded 'besides, I have my best friend here, what more would I want' I laughed. Yes me and Harry hadn't been friends for long, but I'd spent so much time with him over this past month (except when he was away obviously) and he was the only one here, so yes I did consider him one of my best friends. He was completely on my side when it came to issues with the rest of the group, so I guess it was just nice to have someone there for me.

'That was so amazing' i spoke, as we left the diner and thanked him for paying as he insisted.

'It was indeed' he grinned

As I sat in the front seat of my car, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, it was Brad

'Hey' I answered with a grin even though he couldn't see it, happiness was in my voice.

'Hey, I'm going to have to be quick. I'm going to be a bit later than planned, we have an interview this afternoon but I'll get the next flight and will be there in time for your meal, I promise baby' he spoke, yes I was disappointed but it was nice to hear from him

'It's fine, take all the time you need' I said, after all he was only in Manchester, so the flight here would only take an hour.

'I love you, happy birthday. I'll see you soon' he said softly comforting me slightly

'I love you too, see you soon' and I heard the 3 beeps signalling the phone call had ended.

'Everything alright?' Harry asked

'Yeah, everything's fine. He's just going to be a bit later than expected' he nodded

'Well, while we have time we can go get you a dress for tonight, my treat?' He asked me

'That sounds great' I grinned, as he started his car and drove to the shopping centre.

It took us a while, but I finally found a dress I loved. It was a light pink velvet but not velvet material, and soft to the touch. It was tight and a low cut, with spaghetti straps over my shoulders.

'What do you think?' I questioned walking out the dressing room.

'It's perfect' he grinned looking body his eyes wide

'I just think it's a bit bland at the top' I looked at myself in the mirror, seeing Harry pull out a box from his pocket, as he wrapped his arms around my neck I looked down seeing a stunning silver pendant 'Harry, oh my god' it looked expensive 'honestly it's too much, I can't take it' I began to take it off

'No, you keep it. It's yours, and it finishes of the dress perfectly

'Thank you' I hugged him tightly, he was right. The dash of silver did really make the outfit right. I thanked him once more, before removing the dress in the dressing room, leaving and paying for the dress.

We drove home, by now it was 5, and Harry went home to get ready as our reservation was at 7, and we both needed a shower.

I got ready, did my makeup and put on my dress, it was 6:45 and still no Brad. I rang him but it continued to go on answerphone. Marcus had arrived, along with my mum, dad, gran, grandad, Nims and Lily.

There was a knock on the door and a spark of excitement set through me, I had been thinking all week about the moment I would be with Brad again. The moment I could feel him, even just here his voice in person, not on a shitty phone line.

'Hi-' I said in excitement, but it was Harry. Don't get me wrong, I was excited to see him, but I thought it was Brad.

'Hey' he embraced me in a hug and I felt my whole families eyes on me from behind, I hugged him back before pulling away.

'You two look so amazing, quick let me take a picture' my mum had a tear in her eye, I felt quite annoyed because of the fact she never acted like this around me and Brad, because she didn't like him and all.

Me and Harry moved closer together, he wrapped his arm around my weist, me doing the same to him smiling at my mums phone as she took the picture

'We need to go' Marcus stood up taking Lily's hand in his

'Can we not wait 10 more minutes?' I said still disappointed at the fact Brad wasn't here

'We can't, we'll miss our reservation sweetie' my mum said and I nodded sadly, before leaving the apartment.

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