Chapter 28

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'SHE PLAYED THE FIDDLE IN AN IRISH BAND BUT SHE FELL IN LOVE WITH IN ENGLISH MAN' I sang at the top of my voice, dancing around Harry's huge kitchen. Me and Harry had gotten really close lately, it was nice having a new friend. He was completely on my side, since he wasn't close with Brad of course. He just, understood me. He invited me round tonight, I had been really confused about the video. I didn't know how I felt about it. So Harry invited me round for tea to take my mind of things. 'I love that song' I said as it came to an end.

'That was amazing' he laughed

'Why thank you' I bowed down jokingly 'I'll be here all week' we both laughed

'I don't want you here all week, one evening is enough thank you very much' he joked

'Ha ha very funny' I chuckled, as he began to boil the pasta, meaning the bolognese sauce was almost cooked. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

New text message- Bradley

hi, would you meet me at the cafe at the end of Dicconson Street at 11 tomorrow. We need to talk. B

I took a minute to think of what to reply, but decided to reply with just a simple 'ok'. Short but sweet, like myself.

'Mia do you want a glass of red wine?' Harry snapped me out of my thoughts as I nodded

'Yes please that would be lovely' I smiled, as he dished up the spaghetti and placed it on the table he had already set, along with two glasses. I sat down, and Harry left the room returning with 2 glasses and the bottle.

'Shit I forgot I was driving' I sighed 'maybe next time'

'You can stay here if you like, the spare room is made' he added

'I mean, are you sure? I don't want to intrude' I knew I wouldn't be intruding, I just like to be polite

'Don't be silly, it's no problem' he said, pulling the cork out the bottle, and pouring it into the glass in front of me.

Dinner was amazing, it was nice being out. We spent the rest of the night on the sofa watching films. I made him watch Moana since he had never seen it before, and he made me watch his new film Dunkirk since he got it before it was released. Which I must say, was amazing! But by the time it had finished I was tired and needed to go to sleep.

'Is it okay if I borrow one of your shirts?' I asked nervously, I've never been good in these sort of situations 'I've only got the clothes I'm wearing'

'Of course, come on' he spoke, standing up and switching the TV off, along with the lights downstairs. It was about 1 in the morning, and I was about to fall asleep on the spot. We both ran upstairs to his room, me following him, and went into his bedroom. He handed me a shirt, and I smiled

'Thank you' I looked up at him, I now liked his short hair. I wasn't sure at first, but in person it looks great.

'Don't mention it' he grinned back, his dimples shining through 'you look tired, the guest room is just down the hall first door on your right. There's a bathroom in there with a spare toothbrush'

'Night night Harry' I hugged him tightly, him hugging me back

'Goodnight love' he spoke softly and I pulled away from the hug and left the room, closing the door behind me. The guest room was stunning, it was nicer than my bedroom at home. It had white walls, and all accessories were silver. There was a huge mirror, and as Harry said a bathroom. I went in changing out of my jeans and top, and pulling on Harry's large shirt, before walking over to the bed, and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep.

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