Chapter 33

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'What are you doing here?' I questioned in shock, giving him a hug. Brad would be another 15 minuets, probably more.. he's always late

'I told you, I'm going to LA I just wanted to say bye' he spoke, as I gestured for him to come in, as Belle, Lauren and Molly left the room giving us some space.

'I mean, I'm going out soon but you can stay until I go?' I told him and he nodded

'I know I can tell, you look beautiful' he smiled almost sadly 'so you are Brad are erm..'

'Yeah, yeah we are' I spoke, not quite believing it myself. I was so happy, but he seemed off. It was a little bit awkward, I didn't really know what to do 'how long are you away for again?'

'About a week, maybe longer I'm not sure yet. Depends how much work I get done' he said and I nodded, not really wanting him to go.

'Thank you Harry, for everything you have done for me these past few weeks, I really appreciate it' I grinned, hugging him as I felt his large arms wrap around my body, I pulled away from the hug, but Harry held my body in. I laughed a little thinking he was joking, however he placed his hand under my chin, bringing my eyes to look up at his. And before I knew what he was doing, his lips touched mine. I froze, before pushing him away as hard as I could. I didn't like Harry, well not in that way.
'Harry stop stop' I held my hand on his chest, pushing him back 'Please leave' I said, and once again he looked at me sadly 'I'm sorry'

'No, I am' he walked out the room, leaving me stood there unsure about everything. I knew I needed to tell Brad, but not tonight, I didn't want to ruin our night out, I will tell him tomorrow. I sat down, moving to the kitchen pouring myself a glass of red whine, sipping on it as I waited for Brad.

'Amelia?' Lauren walked down the stairs on her own 'Is everything okay?' She said 'You look a bit shaken up'

'Harry just kissed me' I gulped down another chug of red wine.

'Did you kiss him back?' She sat down next to me, pouring herself a glass.

'No, no not even for a second. I pushed him away straight away. I don't see him like that' I spoke and Lauren nodded her head.

'Just tell Brad then' she spoke

'I will I will, but tomorrow. I don't want to ruin tonight' I sighed, why does everything need to be so complicated.. there was a knock on the door, it must of been Brad this time, it has to of been. Lauren stood up and opened the door. Brad walked in, he was wearing a pair of black jeans, and a cream jacket over a white shirt which he had tucked into his jeans with a belt. He was wearing his signature necklace, and his hair was pushed back off his face. He looked indescribable.

'You look beautiful' he walked up to me, placing a kiss on my cheek before taking hold of my hand

'You don't look to bad yourself' I smiled squeezing his hand.

'Wait wait let me take a picture' Lauren said in excitement, as Belle and Molly ran down the stairs in excitement. Brad gave Lauren his phone, as she opened the camera. Brad wrapped his arm around me, resting his hand on my hip pulling me close to him, and I put my arm around him.

'3,2,1' Lauren spoke and we both smiled at the camera as it flashed 'That's so adorable' she cooed and I laughed, as she past the phone back to Brad and we looked at it smiling

'I love that'  I grinned

'I love you' he smiled back, kissing me quickly 'Right we have to go, James are you ready?' James nodded, he was our taxi driver for the night.

'Right, well will you tell me where we are going now?' I said and Brad shook his head 'what why' I moaned as we got into the car and James began to drive.

'Because it's a surprise' he winked

'But I don't like surprises, you know I not' I complained like a 2 year old not getting there own way

'Stop complaining or we won't go anywhere' he jokingly snapped, squeezing my hand tightly and I laughed huffing because I was annoyed.
After about a 15 minute drive, we pulled up outside of a really nice restaurant. We said thank you to James, and walked in side, me struggling with my high shoes. 'Hi, I made a reservation, it should be under Bradley?' He spoke

'Oh yes, right this way sir' The waiter spoke, as he led us to a table in the corner of the room. The meal was really lovely, i had some sort of pasta in a creamy sauce, and I'm not even going to try and pronounce what Brad had.

'Brad' I whispered across the table and he leans into the middle after the waiter took our plates, me also leaning in on my arms 'Pretend to propose to me' I took one of my rings of my finger handing it to him

'What why?' He laughed holding it in his hand

'Number one, its funny, number 2, free desert' I laughed and he shook his head

'I can pay for desert though Amelia' he laughed

'Yeah but that's not funny..please' I grinned across the table, and he sighed shaking his head, before standing up and getting down on one knee. Suddenly butterfly's went through my stomach, I knew it was fake.. but I hoped one day it would be real.

'Amelia Butler, will you marry me?' He held my ring out between his fingers, everyone in the rester- head was on us, as I tried not to laugh

'Of course' I stood up when he did, placing a kiss on his lips, as he held me up slightly by his arms around my waist.

And, it worked. We got a free desert, and a free bottle of champagne. Mission successful

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