B To The S To The Motherfuckin'Bullshit

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A curse expelled from Jack's lungs as he covered his face with his hands, thinking about what to say about Mark running off. "... Felix..." He sighed, peeking at the Swede through his fingers. "I want ta be with him, but not only would Ace get angry whit me... H-He could do something to Mark."

Felix watched Jack for a small moment, before he thought a moment. "Do you want to be free from Ace?"

Jack almost looked offended at the question. "Fuck ye, I never want to be with him ever again, but how am I supposed ta leave him?" Jack asked, almost harshly.

Felix stood, frowning at the Irishman a bit. After a few seconds of almost hesitation, he spoke almost... softly. Like he knew Jack needed to be approached carefully when it came to something this heavy. "You have to admit to the police, get the doctors to understand what really happened. Mark and all of us will be there with you every step of the way."

Jack looked down into his lap, blinking away fat tears that clung to his eyelashes. They dripped and splashed onto the backs of his hands. "But I'm... Scared..."

Felix watched him, before stepping forward and wiping away a stray tear from his best friend's face with a small, gentle sigh and smile. "Look, bro... It's alright to be afraid. You can still do this, even if you're afraid. We'll protect you, and we can get some of your other friends, like maybe... Ken!" Felix suggested the first person who came to mind.

Jack rubbed his face, getting rid of the remaining tears. He wondered why Felix was acting so differently, why him and Mark were treating like a fragile, cracked figurine... He hated it. "... and Bob and Wade?" He added quietly, watching Felix for his reaction, reaching up to grip his green tuft lightly.

Felix nodded, voice soft. "Whoever you want."

Jack's voice was weak. "And they'd fine out...?"

Felix nodded again, slower this time as he watched the smaller man.

"... OK."

The Swede couldn't help the large sigh of relief, pretty much going back to his usual self. "Yeah, bro! We're going to get you out of this and into a relationship with Mark!"

Jack smiled softly as Felix started to ramble on, before he rubbed one of his eyes tiredly. "I don't know about forcin' 'em ta come here, though... If I was in America, since they all live there, it'd be easier..." He frowned sorrowfully. There was no way they were going to come just because he had been pathetic and allowed something this bad to happen to him... He hated himself...

Felix quickly shook his head, causing Jack to glance up at him. "You know they'd come in a HEARTBEAT. They're your friends, and they worry." He whipped out his phone suddenly, frowning at it. "Speaking of worry, I should go find Mark. I'll be right back, bro."

Jack nodded as Felix sprinted off. He was still afraid as hell and a bit annoyed at the way people were acting as if he was broken and needed to be coddled. But, if all of this meant not having to go through everything Ace put him through anymore, AND to be with Mark... He snuggled into his bed. He could be brave.

Mark sat on the floor with his back pressed against the wall and his knees pulled up into his chest. He layed his face on his knees and sobbed into them. His tears had soaked his jeans by then, but he didn't actually care. He heard someone running toward him... "I don't want to talk, Felix." Came his muffled voice.

Felix dropped to sit next to the half Korean, staring for a moment as he thought of what to say. "Mark... Jack didn't reject you. He fucking likes you back, he was just afraid Ace might do something to YOU."

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