From The Perfect Start To The Finish Line

616 26 16

Warning for the aftermath of a suicide attempt and talking about the bruises Mark accidentally left.  

Jack groaned as he felt someone shaking his shoulders.

He blinked bleary blue eyes up at Wade, sitting up slowly. "... What's wrong...?" He asked sleepily, tilting his head slightly.

Tears were falling down Wade's cheeks as he tried to speak, swallowing harshly.


It didn't take anything else, Jack quickly getting off the bed and rushing out the room.

Worry settled in his stomach like a block of ice, chest quaking as he tried desperately to calm himself.

It didn't matter as soon as he saw Mark being pulled out of the bathroom and placed on a gurney.

Jack stared at the blood caking and dripping from his arms, the way his eyes were closed and his breathing was shallow, chest barely rising and falling.

Jack brought shaking hands up to yank at his hair, eyes wide.

Jack had done this.

Jack fell to his knees at the realization, taking an odd breath in.

This was Jack's fault. If Jack had just let Mark do whatever he had wanted to Jack, then he wouldn't have...

Hell, if Jack had done something to help instead of wallow in his own self pity than maybe Mark would have been sleeping next to him in bed instead of layed out on the gurney, looking much smaller and paler than Jack remembered.

"Hey, come on Jack..." Bob helped him up, before pulling out his phone.

Jack swallowed hard, before rushing to grab his own and send a shaky message to Felix explaining what had happened to Mark...

Felix's immediate response was that he was buying a ticket out.

Jack continued to message other people, including Ken, Matthias, Ryan, and Matt.

His fingers were too shaky for there not to be typos, but he got the point across well enough to get people to know where to go and what to do.

Jack wanted Felix.

He wanted his honorary brother close, to stop the tears of pure fear still breaking the dam in his eyes.

"Jack..." Wade mumbled, turning the green haired man around so he didn't stare at Mark's limp, dying body anymore.

Jack squeezed his eyes shut, numb as the world around him fell away.

Jack wondered how someone could hurt themself.

Mark had tried to kill himself, the reason painfully clear to Jack.

Well, at least he was absolutely sure of the reason, even if in actuality he was wrong.

But... what were his reasons for hurting himself? It didn't make a lot of sense to Jack; he just knew he was worried about Mark...

Jack rested a hand on one of his bruising hips. He was completely worried, even if Mark had hurt him...

Jack knew it hadn't been on purpose and there was obviously something wrong so he couldn't necessarily blame Mark, but...

Wade glanced down at Jack's shaky hand resting protectively on his hip. "What's wrong?" He asked quietly, one of his hands resting on Jack's.

Jack flinched a bit, looking to the floor. "... Mark, he, uh... I t-told him that we c-could have sex even though I didn't want too... H-He accidentally got a b-bit..."

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