Part 3 - Touring The Studio

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It was about 7:15 when I finally woke up from that really long nap. It was truly one of the best sleeps I've ever had. The smell of food suddenly slapped me in the face. It was a good slap though. At first it took me a while to zone back in to reality because I wasn't used to the room I was in. I decided to get up and change into something a bit nicer than a baggy black sweater and grey track pants. I was soon ready with a plain olive green shirt and some navy blue jeans. As I was walking out of my room I remembered my mom yelling at me to brush my hair. I walked back into my room and decided to do that before walking out again. As I got closer to the bottom floor of the mansion, The smell of food got stronger and stronger. I found my way to the kitchen and got yelled by a chef and a few maids running about. " What are you doing here!? " The chef yelled. " You can only be here if I say so and I didn't,  So get out! " He said with a strong Italian accent. I backed off after the Italian chef yelled me coupled with a few dirty looks from the maids. I walked out of the kitchen and found my uncle standing there chuckling at me. " Don't worry about Chef Rosati. He just happens to be focused on his cooking. ". After about half an hour, dinner was served. An amazing lasagna was set out on the table, along with some salad and tomato basil soup. Everything tasted delicious and by the end of the dinner I was stuffed. I decided to go back to my room and unpack all of my clothes in the huge dresser but when I opened it, there were already clothes that were about my size. I decided not to touch the other clothes and just focus on getting my clothes unpacked. Just as I was about to hang my first piece of clothing up, I heard my uncle calling my name. I quickly went downstairs and asked him what he needed. He told me that he had to go back to the studios to take care of some last minute business for the night and asked me if I wanted a short tour of the place since I would be visiting the studios a lot for these two weeks that I'm staying for. I shrugged and we made our way to the cobalt-blue Ferrari waiting outside of the mansion. I got into the car and we went zooming off to the studio. As we walked in, my uncle was respectfully greeted by everyone who worked there. I quietly followed my uncle around and respectfully bowed my head down to everyone there. We arrived to what seemed like an office cluttered with bookshelves and papers. My uncle turned around to look at me and began to speak. " If you want you can go to the recording studio to check it out. Just remember, don't touch any of the buttons unless I say so. The door's just at the back of the office." I nodded, excited to see what a recording studio looked like. I made my way to the door at the back of the office. As I got closer to the door, I heard people singing. I stopped, realizing that people were clearly recording and turned back to my uncle. He smiled and gestured me to go in anyway. I quietly opened the door and slipped through into the room. I closed the door quietly behind me and found 7 gorgeous, perfect beings recording one of their songs. I scanned the room and found a small sofa. I quietly made my way to sit down and watch. They were all so handsome. Then I remembered one of the songs that F/N showed me. They were called BTS. I slowly start to remember the faces of each member in the band and look back up to boys recording now. It was them! It was BTS! 

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