Fourth Cohort

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This is the Fourth Cohort. It's somewhere between the average Third Cohort and the worst Fifth Cohort. The mascot for this cohort is a wolf.


- Leila

- Derek Everidge (Silena_Beauregard)

Cohort legionnaires:

- Beth Brown [Godly parent: Bacchus] (Fangirlhasnoreality)

- Akemi Ochiru | "Aki-kun, Ochiru-san" | Ochiru Akemi (Perseashells)

- Aijaz Bashir (descendant of Trivia and Juventas) (-seaweeedbrainchild)

- Marco Gomez (descendant of Janus and Apollo) (That-Girl_Dearbhla)

- Rhea Gomez (descendant of Janus and Apollo) (That-Girl_Dearbhla)

- Finlay Cledwyn (Apollo) (Streakfire1829)

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