Cabin Twenty: Hecate

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Welcome to the Hecate cabin! Children of Hecate are true users of magic, they can control the mist, a little dead and can cast many spells from simply removing someone's nose to levitating objects, and much more. The outside of the cabin is made with bricks with magic inscriptions that can explode or turn anyone into a tree in a half a mile radius into trees if dropped. The inside of the cabin is littered with magic scrolls, spell books, alchemy supplies, candles, and your usual cabin needs. Children of Hecate usually have a hard time because they have to prove their worth and study magic hard because one small mistake can turn things for the worse.

Cabin Leader:

- Lou Ellen Blackstone

Cabin Members:

- AmberLee "Amber" Anderson (Chilea)

- Flynn Anderson (Chilea)

- Naomi Faust (aircloud443)

- Alex Crow (Phionexking101)

- Kat (KatLuv13)

- Shane Reynolds (Kanata-)

- Chaill-Solas Smith (TheKilljoyFae)

- Avila (_Child_Of_Nyx_)

- Rayden Kimblee Magnus (TheEmperorNewClothes)

- Bryn Cadell (Just-another-hero)

- Agatha (Aggie) Afroskalvya (-sehuna)

- Heather Morrison (Try2CatchDaGalaxyCat)

- Grace Marie Fell (Dreamin_Gracefully)

- Hadria Idelle (-thewinchesters-)

- Arlene Aisaka (InsaneDemon)

- Alissa (Ali) Morrigon (Bogey_Bat_Hex)

- Daniela (Dani) Rodriguez (MysterysChild)

- Christopher "Chris" Evin (evanergy)

- Avan Costley (evanergy)

- Evin Costley (evanergy)

- Gaia O'Reilly (YasQueen4002)

- Cassiopeia "Cashew" Black (-deathly)

- Clover Lumina Chase (starcharmedstarshine)

- Helene Rousell (Archangel5317)

- Jeanne "Jea"Marina Klay (FandomMeetsRealLife)

- Thomas "Tom" Ethan Klay (FandomMeetsRealLife)

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