Cabin Twelve: Dionysus

281 12 61

Are you ready to party? The Dionysus cabin is! Children of Dionysus are natural actors, can control a bit of madness, and have a strange obsession with drinking, and they LOVE partying. They are either laid-back or extremely hyper. The cabin itself is smothered in grapevines. PAAAAARTAYYYYY!!!! (Oh sorry, I accidentally let a Dionysus camper get a hold of the description, my apologies.)

LET'S PARTAY!!!! -Killian

Cabin Leader:


Cabin Members:

- Jackson Polar (snowgalaxies18)

- Killian Pollis (itsfangirlcat)

- Alyssa Fernandez (MysteryOtaku_Girl)

- Atlas Flora (XxMagicFlamexX)

- Dimitri (Dimka) Belikov (AeowynJaquelyn)

- Saul Parker (sawyerinhalf)

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