{1} School

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Once apon a little, little star.... There was a girl named Mikera (me-keer-ra). She had a mark on her neck that was shaped like a flame. When she was a baby, A women and a Male found her at their door one night. They took her in and decided to adopt her. But she never got along with anyone.

"Get ready for school!" My mom yelled. "Okay!" I said. I got ready for school, put on my uniform, and brushed my teeth. I ran downstairs. "Bye mom" "Bye Mikera".

I ran to school and when I got there, everybody was looking at me weird. I walked slowly in the school. When I was walking people were whispering things like "look at her", "she's weird", "she has some issues!".

For some reason the mark on my neck started to sting. I touch it, then I ran to class. In class, the teacher tought math, spelling, social studies, and P.E class.

When school was over these group of boys came to me and said "hey, you! Come here!" I looked, then I started running! They followed me but I ran even faster. I ran into the house and locked the door! "At last, I'm safe..." I said to myself.

I started to play my favorite game Swords Of Darkness. I have a online best friend on that game! Her/His username is TLW. We play ALL the time! I yawn. "TLW, I'm tired" I shut my computer down and went to sleep.

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