{3} The Fight

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I woke up and did my morning routine. I STILL couldn't find my parents. So I started to walk to school. I walked and walked and walked. But today I knew something was going to happen.

I went to class and we started to learn stuff. It was FINALLY lunch time! When I sat down I heard loud noises.

I saw a girl yell at Kiyomi. Kiyomi said "Shut up". The girl continued to yell at her for no reason about being shy. Then, just out of no where, KIYOMI PUNCHED HER IN THE STOMACH!!

Of course I was in the back like WHAAAT! But she never talks or anything! Then the girl tried to swing at Kiyomi put randomly Kiyomi
disappeared! Then she appeared behind her.

The teachers came out and the girl blamed Kiyomi! Kiyomi was just was quiet. The teacher gave Kiyomi a detention... so she had to stay here a hour after school was over.

School was over and I was kinda sad about what happend. But I walked home. When I got home I was so tired I went right to sleep...

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