{6} The Targets

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Me and Kiyomi woke up. We started to walk to the forest to train. We finally got there at started training for 3 hours. We started eating lunch that we brought. When we were eating we spotted 2 presents behind a tree. "COME OUT!" "We know your there." Kiyomi said. Then, randomly, we heard a voice. "What smart 2 teenagers you girls are. Hahaha, HAHAHA MWHAHA-" "Just get to the point." Kiyomi said. "Fine, we want you 2, to join our group." Said the voice. "We refuse." We both said. Just then, like 50 men came out. Me and Kiyomi bit are thumb and out it on are mark and we transformed. I teleported to 25 guys and started punching them. I jumped back to the ground and shot purple fire at them and they burned. Kiyomi turned invisible and ran speedy quick to to last of the men (25) and stabbed and punched them. We both jumped back to the ground and looked around all the men were dead. Exept the one who spoke to us. The man said " i...I'm sorry to bother you 2 young ladies... u..um I'll be on my w...way now." He ran as fast as possible. We transformed back and walked back to my house. "What a day." We both said at the same time. Kiyomi went back to her house. I went straight to sleep at house.

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