Cнapтer 00 (Prologυe )

64 2 0

You immediately turned on her TV, changing the channel to the news. She grinned at the sight that she saw on the TV. What she saw was Lines and lines of people lining up to get the new and improved SAO AKA Sword Art Online. Luckily for you you had the game back from when you were an alpha and a beta tester. You smiled, before getting up and turning of the tv, before she slowly walked over to her dresser and grabbed a hair tie, putting you hair in a messy bun with your H/c fringe hanging out.

After putting your hair up you ran to your locked draw, grabbing the key from around your neck which was attached to a necklace. You leaned down and stuck the key in the lock, quickly opening the drawer. You grabbed out your nerve gear set and walked to your bed, not bothering to close the drawer behind you. You quickly laid down on your pure white sheets and laid down, before slipping on your never gear and saying

"Link, Start!"


So short chappy, I know! Sorry guys! I will update straight after I'm done with these. Bai!


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