Mind Control 7: Seduction's Assault

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A short story by Alvin Atwater

Continued a little over one week after story six...

I finally got around to doing some Iyan research. The internet could only do so much, so I went to the library. To my surprise I did find one book, old as it was, and skimmed through it. I felt the pages would crumble just to my touch. Apparently this stood as the remaining translation of the Iyan culture. And so I gave up my Thursday evening. The teachers could scold me later for not teaching the test failures, losers –I mean struggling students. My second objective however, needed to be done.

Alex Romero, scrawny dorky slightly younger brother of Craig Romero conversed with two other nerdy science club members. My original intention wasn't to spy of course but when they arrived an hour after I did, I saw opportunity.

I still couldn't get over that scene a week ago: Morgan, Gemini's pretty much evil cousin, and the two brothers trading items. Days later, they made another trade just as I walked by. What could the idiots be trading that make them operate in such an overdramatic way? Secret, out-in-the-open trade?

"What's taking the mediator so long?" one of Alex's dork-ucles friends said. Get it, instead of Hercules...never mind.

"She'll be here," Alex said. "And she'll have the stuff."

The stuff? What is he selling, drugs? I shrugged. Need to get out of the open. The second I found myself in the Fantasy Section pretending to look at books, nearly knocking down Alvin Atwater's Fragment, she entered the door, dressed in a black shirt and skirt. Gemini. What was she doing here? She seemed to be looking for something or someone. I kept myself hidden. Sure, she's my friend, sort of but also a pain in the ass.

Suddenly, my cellphone buzzed. I glanced down and read the text message.... from Gemini. It read: I see you. Someone tapped on my back. I spun. There she stood, smiling.


I was baffled. "How? When? But..." I stopped. This was Gemini. When it came to her, the thought of Iyan cursed objects flooded my mind. She loved to use the "magic" on me. Strange things always happened around this girl.

She moved in so close that a familiar cold series of minty breath softly pounded against my neck. Before I could react, Gemini placed her hand on my chest.

"Matt, you're a terrible spy. I spotted you within seconds of stepping in here."

"I –I'm not spying," I lied defensively. Gemini looked into my eyes. There was something different about her today. I couldn't point it out but I found myself lost in deep pools of blue. She...was a million times sexier than ever. I leered at every curve on her body, her lip gloss, her hot chocolate brown hair, her chest. The amazing smell of her perfume tickled my nose.

I moved in closer. She did too. This would definitely turn into more than a make out session. Something about this didn't seem right. My lack of control –that's when it hit me. I stopped.

"Alright, what did you do to me?"

Gemini...looked as if she would fall apart. I turned before her sad face had the chance to manifest. She poked my back. When I spun, she revealed a bright pink diamond, the size of a lemon. Of course. But of all the Iyan mind-controlling gemstones, this one I'd never seen. There are four legal and four illegal Iyan crests of mind control, the illegals being created by a faction within the tribe with a mission to destroy its corrupt leadership.

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