[epilogue] revival

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I was walking down the empty streets. I wiped away the blood stains from the corner of my mouth and continued walking until I found a small pub, where I planned to spend my Friday night in. The room smelled like human blood mixed with alcohol and chips. It wasn't very crowded, but there were enough people for me to be unnoticed. I sat down at the bar and ordered a few shots. The bartender gave me a charming smile and nodded and I got lost in my own thoughts again. I've been away from home for 6 months now and nothing had really changed. I missed my parents a lot. They had tried to communicate with me over the time, but after a few weeks I stopped the contact. I knew I would break and go back to them as soon as I'd hear their voices again and I did not want that. I wanted to come back as a child they could be proud of, not as the monster I was right now. Although comparing it to my situation a few months ago, I made a big progress.

The first weeks had been the worst. I drank human blood about 2 times a day, killing an amount of innocent people in that time that I was not proud about. I tried to forget that time, but those memories haunted me in my dreams everynight. I was slowly able to control myself more afterwards and tried to kill less and get my body to get used to drinking only animal blood, which was difficult since it did not fill me up completely and tasted not even half as good as human blood. Although I used to love drinking animal blood back then, it was more difficult now because I now depended on it and did not only drink it just because I liked the taste. Apart from that, I always had to be on the move, especially in the beginning. I planned on settling down again now for a bit longer, since I did not kill people anymore so the police could get suspicious. There was a huge forest not far away from here, in which I was able to hunt. One day a month I would go to a hospital and take some donated blood bags with me to avoid the situation that my cravings would get the best of me so that I wouldn't be able to control myself anymore. I was scared that this would sooner or later happen, but so far I did not kill one single person for 3 months and 4 days. But it was still not safe enough to go back to my hometown. Even if I wanted to, it would be difficult. I didn't know what my parents had told my school or friends - and with friends I mean Sara - but I was sure they didn't say I was on vacation or somewhere, where I could randomly come back and act as if nothing ever happened, not that I wanted to, though.

After being alone for so long, I tried to improve my social skills again by attending public places every day. I used to not communicate with other people at all because I was scared to hurt them. It was still weird smelling the blood around me. It was nothing new since I was able to do that since I was young, but now I was actually craving for the blood I was able to smell.

I gulped down the shots I got served minutes ago without feeling any kind of burning sensation in my throat. It got boring but was more effective than water or any other drink. Water kind of made my cravings worse. The bartender started to make some small talk with me and after a while,he started to bore me. I told him I had to leave and gave him my money. I used to take really small jobs after spending all the money I took with me from home, but sometimes I manipulated humans to get things for free if I didn't have the money they needed from me. I felt slightly pathetic, but in the end, I couldn't care enough. I was egoistic and still a monster.

I was about to get up and leave the little pub, when I suddenly heard someone say my name.


My body froze.

It was Zayn.

"Gosh, we finally found you."

That's it, guys! I am sorry it took me so long to update this short little epilogue, but I hope it's a nice ending. I did not want this story to end with Zayn and Rose happily living together or something, because that wouldn't have been realistic, considering their characters, yet I do think they are able to have a future at some point. So here goes the open ending!

I don't think there will be a Sequel to the story anytime soon, although it definitely might be possible.

Thank's to everyone who was part of this journey and everyone who took his time to read, comment or like, you cannot believe how much that means to me. Lots of love x

bad blood [zayn malik, AU] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now