Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Ella's pov.

Did she really just say what I think she said? She can't of! I looked at aunt Sophie with a confused look on my face and said "what?"

She quickly replied with "I know it's a lot to take in but I thought since you don't really have any real family left you might like to find your birth parents?"

I was outraged by this, they were my family, my parents were my family, just because they were dead didn't mean I wanted new ones! I stormed off to my room, slamming the door behind me. I just sat there starring at the wall, not know what to do or to think.

After about an hour I heard a knock on the door and Aunt Sophie walked in, she sat down on my bed with me. we just sat there for what seemed like for ever, not talking, just sitting.

Finally she broke the silence "I just wanted you to feel like you had some real family" she said "i didn't want to make you upset"

I sat quietly thinking for a while, then I replied with "I know you did I'm sorry for flipping out... I just felt like you were trying to find a replacement for my parents and there's never going to be, they're my parents. But I guess now that I know and that I've been thinking about it I would kind of like to know who they are"

She gave me a hug and then left to make some phone calls, apparently my parent had given her some phone numbers for the adoption agency incase anything ever happened to them.

Katy's pov

I woke up from my nap to the familiar but annoying sound of my phone ringing, I fumbled round on the coffee table next to the couch trying to answer it without having to fully get up. When I finally grabbed I answered it "hello" I said, in sleepy voice.

I hadn't checked to see who it was so I had no idea who would reply.

It was an unfamiliar voice that replied, they said "hello this is the tulip adoption service am I speaking with Katheryn?"

My heart sank when I heard that name .. The tulip adoption service .. Thousands of repressed memories came running back to me. The pregnancy, the waitressing, the pain, the devastation and heart break.

I hadn't realised that I hadn't replied to the women at the other end "hello?" She said

I replied with "yes hello this is Katy"

She continued on to tell me that Ella was looking for me and wanted to meet me, my heart sank even more.

I told the lady that I'd have to think about it and that I'd call her back tomorrow. I didn't know what to do, usually I would talk to my friends, or my parents, or john .. But nobody knew.

Shannon came over later that day for dinner and a movie that we had planned earlier. She walked In and the first thing she said was "what the hell is wrong was you?!" I guessed that my face had given it all away. I sat down on the couch and began to cry, I don't know what had come over me, the last time I had cried like this was after Russell texted me saying it was over. Shannon walked over and sat next to me, she put her arms around me and whispered soothingly into my ear "what's wrong".

I didn't know what to say so I just said " would you believe me if I said 'nothing'?"

Shannon just gave me this look of I don't think so.

I thought, you know, she's my best friend so maybe I could tell her, maybe she could help me. I got up and walked towards the bathroom, I needed to think, Shannon understood this and let me go.

When I returned she was sitting on the couch watching a movie, I sat down next to her and said "I have a daughter".

She just looked and me and started laughing, but when she saw that I was still crying and the seriousness in my face she stopped.

She said "how? When?"

I told her everything about being 17 and dropped from the label, having no money and the fact that she was the only one that knew.

She took it all In and then asked "well why are you telling me and why now?"

I paused and then said "the agency called me today and said she wants to see me but I don't know what to do, I mean she can't know I'm katy perry what is she going to think!?"

Shannon being the smart one simply said "call her"

I mean that made sense then she could talk to me and I her. We could get to know each other without the pressures of her knowing I was a popstar.

I thanked Shannon and we continued watching the movie together, I would call the agency the next day

I woke up early the next day, I couldn't sleep. I looked at the clock it said 8, this was really early for me. I picked up my phone from the bedside table next to me and dialled the number of the lady at the adoption agency.

She answered and I told her that "I would like to talk to her on the phone a few times before we actually meet, so maybe you could pass on my number to her and she could call me when she's ready?"

The lady said she would and we ended the call.

Ella's pov.

I was starting to have second thoughts about meeting the person who had given birth to me. What if she still didn't want me, what If she was mean and horrible.

I heard a knock on my door and sam walked in with a happy smile on her face jumping onto my bed. She handed me a piece of paper saying that it was from her mum. She explained that my birth mum, Katheryn, had wanted to talk to me on the phone first before we meet. She quickly handed me the phone and jumped off my bed saying "you know you want to" jokingly.

I looked at the phone and the number and began dialling.. I wondered what she would be like, what she would sound like.. I didn't have much longer to think about it as the person on the other end cheerfully said "hello!"

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