Chapter 5

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ellas POV   

i just stood there freaking out, she was right here, in front of me, she looked kind of familiar though. i wonder if I’ve seen here somewhere before? maybe she’d tried to find me before? i got pulled out of my thoughts by katy putting her hands on my shoulders and looking at me sympathetically. 

“are you alright?” 

“yeah I’m great it’s just, you seem familiar, have i seen you somewhere before?” 

“probably, thats what i needed to talk to you about” 

katy motioned for me to sit down on one of the cream leather couches in the living room. she looked so nervous i wonder if i look the same? i don’t feel as nervous anymore though, now that I’m here, with her. 

“ok so what is it you need to tell me? the anticipation is killing me!” 

“well…do you pay much attention to the music seen at all?” 

“no not really I’m more into reading, i don’t really do much else” 

katy smiled at me then continued 

“that explains a lot then.. have you heard of katy perry?” 

“yeah she sings that i kissed a girl song or whatever right? but how is this relevant?” 

thing it all started to click. her name was katy, she lived in LA, this house was massive! OHMYGOD my mother is a popstar. 

“OHMYGOD you’re katy perry!” 

“um yeah, i am” 

“you’re famous, like really famous!” 

katy burst out laughing but i didn’t really se what was so funny 

“why are you laughing?” 

“its just in my mind i expected you to take this so differently, like i thought you would be mad or freak out or something” 

“why would i do that? its not a bad thing, its kinda cool. not many people can say their mum is a popstar”  i paused after i realised what i had just said. i had just called her mum. SHIT. 

“i mean biological mother, yeah its cool i mean yeah.” 

“so you’re not weirded out by it at all?” 

“no i mean it’s not going to change anything right?” 

Katy paused to think she had the same face that i did when i thought, it made me smile 

“no, well… i mean it does make it hard for me to go out in public, and I’m always pretty busy but i want you to know that I’m always here. like no matter how busy i am you can always call me and ill make time for you, i love you” 

The smile that was on my face just got bigger and bigger. She loved me, i wondered if she did i mean she did give me away, but it meant the world that she was back in my life now. 

“i love you too”

i cuddled up into her side and rested my head onto her shoulder and she wrapped her arms around me. we had only really known each other short period of time but this felt so right. We shared a connection that i couldn’t explain it just felt so right to be with her, like i was protected.   

we sat cuddled up on the couch for a while just talking about everything and anything, our favourite foods, our favourite places it was just so easy to talk to her i loved it.   

we were still sat on the couch together and Katy had decided that we should watch a movie and eat some junk food, which i had no objections to. we decided to watch the proposal but half way through i fell asleep.   

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