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I didn't know. I didn't know who he was, or what his life was like. I didn't know what he did or who he was friends with. All I knew was his name, and what he looked like. And I surely knew that I didn't like him. Not one little bit. Why? I didn't know. When I began to hate him is even more of a mystery to me. All I know is that the thought was mutual. He hated me too, or well so I thought.


It was the first day of school. I wasn't going to a school with all my friends or people I knew. I chose not to. I chose a fresh start away from my primary school experiences. And now, putting my new school uniform on, I was really regretting it. Even though I hated my previous schooling experiences, and hated everything I had become back then, I still wished at this current moment that I at least knew one person at my new school. That I was at least going to able to walk up to a known person and pretend to be an acquaintance of theirs while I find my own friends, this was to avoid looking like the lonely loser on the very first day.

Little did I know, that looking like the lonely loser on the very first day would set me up for the rest of my schooling life. Not being the lonely loser. But the complete opposite.

I was destined to be the 'go to girl'.

I was the girl everyone went to for advice. A shoulder to cry on. And a person everyone knew was always there. It made me popular. But not in the sense of your typical popular, you know the one, the "all boys want her, and all the girls want to be her type". No, I wasn't in the popular group, but I was a popular in the way that everyone thought they knew me. I was known. Not for who I actually am, or who I have become, but I was known as the 'nice girl'. The nice girl with good grades and a nice personality. In other words; a push over. Someone who could be pushed all the way below the nerds if I overstepped my job, but instead of that I was kept situated in every group. I wasn't defined anywhere, not in any group in school. Not in the sporting group, or the nerds group, or the popular group. I was a floating object with two ears for listening, and a mouth given for advice, and advice only is what it did.

Well at least that's what my first year of high school was like, and it would have continued that way if you hadn't stepped into my life and completely changed it.

Take this statement as you would like, as a bad statement or a good statement, because to me, I don't know whether it is good, or whether it's bad. I still haven't figured it out. And I maybe I never will. Well not until probably well into my 20s when I realise whether it was, a good experience or a bad experience, and when I do, I'll let you know; but for the meantime though, make up your own mind. Please feel free to share; I am open for anything at this moment in time to help get rid of this confusion in my head.


This is the story about how my high school life completely changed. Through the journey of emotional breakdowns, to stolen secrets and lies, and the saviour of my own kidnapping.

HOW IT CHANGED USTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon