Prologue, Chapter 2-FIRST OF MANY

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I was on my way home from my long day of having to deal with Dexter. I was stuck in the car for a long 4 hour drive with my parents, I didn't mind it, I got to listen to music, and usually my parents would have lollies for the trip home too. It was great. My favourite song had just come on my playlist when suddenly it stopped. My music had just stopped, why had my music just stopped. I look down at my phone and I had a message from an unknown contact.

Guess who


Oh god, why did I suddenly get a bad feeling that this was Dexter it can't be him, I didn't give him my number. Thinking that I was safe I went along with it.

I don't know who?

- Cassie

You'll have to guess


Oh god! It is him! I swear to god I will kill that best friend of mine for giving my number away to guy that I so clearly hate. I mean I had never told her before, but I mean come on, it is the most obvious thing in the world! Unless... no she couldn't have... she wouldn't think that would she... unless she thought I liked Dexter... No surely my best friend could read me better than that.

Dude, I'll just stop messaging. Just tell me


Please, give me another person who isn't him. Anyone.

Gees, you're no fun at all are you.


Okay, I'm done, no more messaging. I do not need to waste time messaging this guy.

My next song came on and I continued to listen to my music in peace. Just a car ride and my music. You've got to love it.

My music has stopped again. For gods sake.

I look down at my phone again and of course, it is another message from this unknown but pretty sure known number.

Fine if you're going to ignore me then I'll just have to tell you. It's Dexter

-Unknown (well now Dexter)

I clicked on contact information and set his name to Dexter and his last name to BE ALARMED! RESPOND WITH CAUTION. Then responded to his message

Yeah I kind of already knew.


What! How? That's really quite creepy


Just a hunch I guess. It kind of sounded like your annoying personality


Gee, thanks. But that really is quite weird how you knew it was me.


Yeah oh well, it's a gift I guess


When will he get the hint that I don't want to talk.

Hmm... yeah.


How did you get my number anyway?


I have my ways


What are your ways?


Wouldn't you like to know.




What. I was only kidding. A little birdy told me


Hmm I wonder who that little birdy would be? Hmmm... I'm just going to take a guess and say she starts with N and finishes with at. Nat. She is dead when I see her next.

Alright. Why would you want my number anyway?


So I can bother you every day now instead of every second or so weekend.


Well you can forget that. I'd prefer you didn't.


I'm sure you love it.


See this is what I mean by he is constantly so bloody cocky and full of himself! Arrgghh he frustrates me to the max.

I don't think so, but whatever help you sleep at night.


Oh it does


Whatever. That's pretty creepy


Okay I'm done. He is getting on my nerves now. I have to stop, I've had a long weekend of racing and I this is meant to be my relaxing time trying to ignore my aching legs. But apparently he isn't done yet.

Bling. Bling. Bling. Bling

4 unread messages from Dexter BE ARMED! RESPOND WITH CAUTION

I ignore them all and go back to listening to my music, only to fall asleep a few minutes later with that weird and frustrating boy to be stuck in my head. 


Thank you for reading this long, stupidly written chapter, but this chapter was the first of them. It is important to the story, I mean you could've probably skipped it, but I reference back to who they were before, and who they have become.

The next chapter is set 1 year later, they are age 15. This will be the official beginning of the book.

Thank you for being patient through the confusing times.

Lots of love,

@MySocialExperiment   xxx

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