Chapter 1

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"It's really big and beautiful. There are so many programs,like track and volleyball; there's even a debate team and student council. I know how much you love being president." My mum droned on and on about the new school I was going too and how amazing it was. Even though clearly I could care less about the school. I just wanted to go back to Europe and my friends.

"The campus, oh honey, you should see the campus. It's just magnificent, and the faculty at the school are such kind hearts. I've never met such kind -"

"Mum, enough already. You going on about this school won't change the fact that I miss Dublin." I said cutting her off.

She looked at me and sighed. "I know darling, but what can we do? You're fathers transfer leaves us no choice."

"His jobs rubbish, that's what it is."

"It may be rubbish but it does put food on the table, clothes on our back and -"

"A roof over our head." I finished for her rolling my eyes. "I know mum, but why America? It's unbelievably hot in California."

She shrugged her shoulders and turned into the campus lot. "Not sure, but you've always wanted to travel Nikita - here's your chance." She said.

"I meant travel when I'm older mum, not when I'm still in High School." I replied as she came into a full stop in front of the large building. I peered out of the window and scanned the front of the building. Students were everywhere, in groups chattering away and walking into and out of the building.

My mum reached over and stroked my hair, giving me a small smile. "Just try and make the best of it Nikki." She handed me my longboard. "You remember the way home?"

I nodded and opened the car door, and got out. Just as I was closing the door she called out, "Have a nice day darling, I love you." So loudly that a few kids nearby turned and smirked in my direction, causing my face to flush a bright red.

Quickly, I walked away from the car and into the school building. I pulled a slip of paper from my pocket, I was looking for the main office. But, from the looks of this school, the office could be anywhere. This school was so large, three stories high to fit all the clubs and groups they placed for extra curriculum. My mom says that they're expanding the school and adding a bunch of large walls for the art club to spray paint school murals on.

I guess that's pretty cool, considering I chose art as one of my clubs. But, the school to me was large enough and the expansion would insure my getting lost. Never mind, even without the expansion, I'd gotten myself lost. People rushed past me as the bell rang signaling for class, ignoring me as I stood in the middle of the hallway utterly confused.

Honestly, I have never in my life felt so helpless and baffled. Usually in this sort of situation, I would have a nervous breakdown but it was my first day and didn't want to seem like a complete freak in front of everyone. So, I pushed it down as far as I could, scanning the empty hall for help.

Nobody was around anymore, and that made me feel like a complete and utter idiot. When everyone was around I didn't think to ask anyone for directions but now that nobody was around, I thought too. Which is another thing I could add to the list of what's wrong with me. Ugh, why did I have to be the absolutely ridiculous one? Why couldn't that be my younger sister Joy?

As I stood in the hallway mentally tearing myself down with sever beating of thoughts. I failed to hear someone walk up to me until they spoke. I turned to the sound of the deep and attractive voice to find a tall boy with dark us kissed skin and curly dark brown hair looking down at me. His sparkling sea blue eyes pierced into my grey ones like he was looking into my soul.

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