3; Brad

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We arrived at a small house. It was dark so I didn't see the exterior that much. "Who owns this house?" I asked as we enter. "Me." Tris says going inside a room. We followed and It was full of buttons, speakers and in front of it was a transparent glass. "Coooool." I prolonged. I sat on the couch. "This is where the magic happens." Brad says while doing the jazz hands. "YEAH!" Tris cheers. I laughed.

"Do you sing?" Brad asks me while playing the keyboard. "Yes actually. One of my favorite hobbies." I proudly said, folding my legs. "Really? Can you show us?" Brad asks, his chin on the palm of his hand. "Uhmmm. Soon." I cheekily smiled. "Pwetty pweasee?" He pouts making his eyes sparkle. Damn he's cute. "Nooo." I shook my head. My phone suddenly buzzed. "I'm gonna use the drums." Brad says walking inside the soundproof room. Tris nodded. I pulled out my phone and saw a notification on Twitter.
Holy shit I gained ten thousand followers. Including @TheVampsband and the boys."ROCK AND ROLL!" Brad yelled then hit the drums. Wow.
"Brad always does this." Tris says, smiling at him. "What a goofball."

"I'll just make dinner." Tris says as he walks away from the room. Brad sat beside me and smiled.

Something is tingling inside me. Of course not in that way but. Something is... Ringing. I don't even know.

"How ya feeling?" Brad asks with his brummie accent. "Good good." I nod. "Anything new?" He asks, starting a conversation. "My dad is gonna buy me a camera. I think I'm gonna start a YouTube channel." I state. He widened his eyes. "Really? Wow. Niiice." He smiles.
Silence took over the room. I played with my fingers to prevent some awkwardness. It didn't really help. "Hey, can I ask you something?" Brad suddenly asks. I shift my position so I can face him. "What is it?" I ask, curiosity filled my brain.

"What...if someone or a guy in general, asks you to. Erm. To lunch. Like for example if it's me, would you?" He asks nervously, he looked down waiting for my answer. My heart suddenly pounds. "Of course! I mean I love food so... Yeah." I awkwardly laugh."Is that a yes?" He asks, his eyes widens. Adorable. "Yes. Yes Brad." I smile making him smile as well. We exchanged phone numbers and realized our hands were touching. "Are you two ready to eat?" Tris asks, leaning on the doorframe while crossing his arms. We blushed and nodded.

"Bye sexy." Brad winked. I blush and hit him. "Bye Tris!" I hugged Tris and he hugged back. I was walking towards the car until I heard Brad. "Wait!" He yells. I stopped and he ran towards me. "I'll see you tomorrow. 3pm. At Starbucks." He smiles making his chocolate eyes sparkle. "I'll see you too." I smile giving him a warm hug. He hugs me as well making me blush.


I sat at the back of the car, "I see you and Brad are getting along." Joe teased making me blush. "We just met. Nothing's happening." I shrug. "Ah. They always say that." He says as he continue to drive.

I lie down on my bed and checked Twitter. I scroll and scroll until I saw a tweet.

@TheVampsBrad: Excited for tomorrow. Whoop whoop!

What a goofball. I decided to text Brad.


I texted. Seconds later someone was calling, I looked at the caller ID and it was him.

Hello beautiful!
Hi Brad
What do you want?
Nothing oops
Miss me?
Shut up Brad.
Haha I'm kidding. You alright?
You excited for tomorrow??
Of course. But I'm too nervous.
Why? It's just me!
I know but, I don't know.
Don't worry. I'm here for you.
Thank you.
I forgot to tell you something.
What is it?
Ah, nevermind.
Oh Bradley.
"BRAD LOVES ASH WOOT WOOT!" I hear Tris shouts.
Shut up mate!
Hahaha, Brad why don't you get some rest?
Fine. G'night beautiful.
Night B.

I ended the line and smiled at the ceiling.
Oh no. What if I fall in love? Will he treat me like shit? Or he'll take care of me? What if my father rejects him? I mean he basically hates them.

I woke up, my appearance was shit. I climbed out of the bed and walked out.
"G'morning sweetie!" My dad greets, flipping some pancakes. "Hi." I mumble as I sit down. "Here, have some pancakes." He smiles, giving me a plate with the cakes. "Yum."
I suddenly here someone opening the front door. "WE'RE HOME!" I hear my annoying younger sister squeals. Ew.
"Hello sweetie! I missed you!" My mum greets, kissing my left temple. "Hi mum." I greet back, I sliced my pancake. "Hello my love." My dad kissed my mum, holding her hand. "Yuck not in front of us!" My younger sister, Ashleigh yells. "Shut up Ash." I said, she glared at me.

I wore my black crop top, with blue skinny jeans and black converse. I wore my bracelets and glasses. My hair was cooperating today so I decided to pull it into a messy bun. I applied a bit of makeup and grabbed my phone. I realized there was a message from Brad.

Brad: Hey. U comin?

Me: Hi, OFC

I replied, "Be right back Dad!" I yelled as I closed the front door. I stood up at the middle of the road for a second and continued to walk to my destination. I entered Starbucks and at the corner of the shop, I saw a curly bush. I walked towards him, "Hey!" He says pulling me down to sit beside him Before I get to greet him, he tells me "Uhm, so the reason why I invited you is because I don't want to work today and I want to spend the day with you." He smiles nervously. "Does Joe know that you're going to meet me?" I asked, worried. He just smiles nervously. "Braaad?" I prolonged. "Okay fine, he doesn't know." He surrendered, raising his arms.
"What if he fires you?!" I slightly yelled at him. "SHH! Stay calm. I told the boys. Don't worry." He placed his hand on my shoulder.
Well shit. "Are you sure about that?" I ask. "Yeah." He smiles. I just scrunched my nose. "What do you want?" He asks, playing with my fingers. "Erm. Any will do."

After hours of talking and chatting, we decided to go to a theme park.
"Look! You want?" He asks, pulling me to a cotton candy stall. "No, it's fine." I said, smiling. "Two please" He smiles at the seller. Oh Brad.
"Here" He hands me one. "Psh." I said as I grabbed it and took a bite. He grinned cheekily. We continued to wander.
"Wanna ride that?" I suggested, I pointed at a big rollercoaster. "Haha. You go ahead, I'll stay here." He chuckles nervously, gripping my arm. "Are you scared Mister Simpson?" I laughed at him. "N-no?" He stutters.

I just giggled at him. "Let's go somewhere else shall we?" He says as he intertwined his fingers to mine.
When we went outside the theme park, there were loads of girls screaming and running towards Brad. I let go of his hand and mouthed 'Not now.' He nodded.
They screamed and hugged him. "Hello lovelies." He greets, grinning. "Can we take a picture?" Some girls asked. "Yea!"
I watched them and a girl noticed me. "Are you Ash?" A blonde girl asked. She was simple but attractive. Shiny blue eyes. "Em. Yes." I shyly smile. "Can we take a photo?" She offers her phone. "Of course!" I grabbed her phone and we took 3 photos. "Thank you so much!" She hugged me. I hugged back. "I hope you and Brad will get along, if you know what I'm saying" She smirks and waves goodbye. I blushed crimson red. "I love you all! I hope you have a lovely day today!" Brad says as he pulls me away. I just smiled at the girls, "BYE BRAD!" "I LOVE YOU!" "SEE YOU ON THE TOUR!" They screamed. But what caught my attention was someone said "go fuck yourself Auchelle."
"Excuse me?" I said to her. She was a brunette girl, wearing a white shirt with black tights and Vans. Heavy amount of makeup. "Are you deaf?" She sassed, raising an eyebrow that is obviously filled with eyebrow pencil. "Please don't raise your non-existing eyebrow at me. I didn't do crap to you. Remind yourself that I can't 'fuck' with myself. I can only do that to Brad." I smiled savagely at her making her widened her eyes. The other girls just gasped and stifled a laugh. "See you all beautiful ladies." I said and pulled Brad away from them.

"Holy shit, I'm never going insult you." Brad laughs, intertwining his fingers to mine again. "You should never insult someone. If you want to then just keep it to yourself." I shrug. "But you insulted her, 'non-existing eyebrow'" He laughed. "I didn't insult her. I was being honest!" I laughed as well.
"What about that thing you said you can only do that to me?" He smirks. I feel my cheeks turns to a tomato. "T-that was nothing." I nervously chuckled. He snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to his side. "Let's go the studio." He says. "Sur- wait. Is Joe there?" I asked, giving him a worried look. "I'll show you something." He says, not making eye contact. "Humph."

We arrived at the studio and he told me to stay outside the house for second. "YOU CAN COME IN NOW!" Brad yells from the window. How cute. When I entered I gasped and covered my mouth.

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