5; Mutual Bonding

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Brad is working today with Joe. Joe said Brad is a naughty boy cause he didn't ask permission to have a day off.

"Since when did you and Brad started to date?" Con asks taking a sip on his orange juice. "Yesterday." I said, slightly guilty. "They're so cute together!" Tris squeals, pressing my face together making my lips look like a fish's mouth. I laughed. "Don't tell anyone. Especially Joe and my dad." I said glancing at them. "Of course." James smiles, tucking my light brown hair at the back of my ear. I just grinned. "Excuse me, visiting hours are done. Please step outside now." The nurse knocked. "Okay." We said our goodbyes to Con and I went home.

I collapsed on my bed and checked my Twitter. Oh my, 30k people followed me. Jeez.

'Thank you for 40k!!! Lots of love :)))'

I tweeted. I followed some of the accounts and I got a notification that Brad favorited it, I smiled at my phone and checked his account. His bio changed to-

'A; yes. #deeewwdmygfffff'

What a goofball. #dudemygirlfriend???, I think that's what it said. I decided to text him. 'How's ur day bradbrad ?'

He suddenly called me.

Ash! Hello love!
Hi Brad
I'm feeling good today, how about you?
I'm fine, you with Joe?
Yea, just wrapping up. Wanna go to my flat later?
Wait, you have a flat?
HAHAHAHAH yes, yes I have.
I didn't know that.
Only you and the boys know actually.
Anyway, I'll pick you up in a bit.
Okay, see you B.
I love you!
SH! Joe might hear you.
Don't worry love. Love you!
I love you too B.

I quickly end the line, guilt rush through my blood. I do love him but I'm scared of something. I don't know it yet.

I wore a plain white shirt, skinny jeans and black converse. I glanced at the time, 9 o'clock. "Mum, I'll be back. Just gonna hang out." I yelled as I opened the front door. "Your curfew is 11!" She yells back, coming from the kitchen. I walked outside and waited.

A grey car stopped in front of me. I crouch slightly, looking at the driver. "Hop in!" Brad greets. I smiled and sat beside him. "You can drive?" I ask, wearing my seatbelt. "Not really." He shrugs. He kissed my lips and started to drive. "Holy crap, you're a bad driver." I laugh, looking at him. He just laughs as well.

"Nice flat B." I looked around. It was small but cute. Houseplants at the corner of the room. Nothing flashy. A small TV and 2 doors. "Look what I got you." He smiles pulling out a necklace that says 'Auchelle'.
I gasped. "Why? Oh my god. How? What? Thank you! But Brad?" I said while panicking, not knowing what to say. "Nah. I just want you to be happy." He smiles, he pulls me inside the bathroom and he wore me the necklace. I hugged him tightly. He hugged back. "I wanna take a picture of you. Cause you're the best. And you're hotter today, damn." I said as I pulled out my phone to take a photo. He chuckles. He strikes a pose with a duck face making me giggle. I tweeted:

Temporary;B.W.S {On Hold}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin