Wind of change

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How many of you are wondering : should I change my job?

is he/she right for me?

was I wrong to be angry at my kid for that?

is this how the rest of my life is gonna be?

should I get on that train/plane and see her/him?

am I too good to people? am I too naive?

is my kid paying for my mistakes? can I fix it?

am I too selfish or not selfish enough?

how long should I wait for him/her to show me that he/she cares enough to make a change?how much do I really care what people think?why doesn't he/she call?can I be alone? do I really need anyone?

should I have a kid now?

should I lose weight?

Did I leave the stove on?

do I eat healthy enough?should I get married?can I tell people I like Justin Bieber?do I have enough friends?
is Leo ever gonna get the Oscar?

is this my life?

I've been going through really bizarre moods lately, with strange things happening to and around me.

But I've actually come to realize one thing: everything is a question of DECISION.So, there goes that theory called DESTINY. Yes, I believe it is a question of us deciding whether we stay in a situation or not...any kind of situation (except for health problems, obviously).

I read something a while ago that changed my perspective on things a bit.

  A more interesting question, a question that perhaps you've never considered before, is what pain do you want in your life? What are you willing to struggle for? Because that seems to be a greater determinant of how our lives turn out.  (

I put that here cause I've had many conversations with my girlfriends lately, conversations about...just about anything, where we have too many questions and very few answers.

Lots of opinions, but very few real answers.

Once you make a real decision, make up your mind, your brain will do the rest. Don't be fooled: I'm still practicing this decision thing. I may get to EXPERT level in my 40's maybe.

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