20 something

25 0 0


November 9, 2013

Hi, my name is Lexy Gray (Hi Lexy! you'll all say), I'm 32 years old (sorry, I'm in my late 20's), I was cheated on by my 43 year old French ex (that we now call Bob) with a 26 year old blonde illiterate peasant, I have a 4 year old son with the 43 year old and a 6 month old relationship with a 23 year old guy that we call the KID (he knows and he's fine with it). 

     Too many numbers in my life...way too many for this late hour when I'm writing this (some know why:)
   Now... even though I find this fun and crazy from the outside, a relationship with a younger man makes any woman go crazy...for..many reasons. Where should I start?

1st: some of us are not quite prepared to resist physically cause they're ready anytime for the long run and they don't seem to stop ..ever. Girls, you do know what I'm talking about, right? A girl (especially one my age) needs her sleep, God damn it!

I'm not asking for beauty sleep, but at least enough to be able to..perform:) Of course, I'd have nothing against if I was left to sleep during...you know.

2nd: society looks at us as if we were child molesters.
    I, for one am constantly thinking that I should let him live his life, instead of depriving him of everything youth has got to offer (other girls, clubbing, loads of unprotected sex with complete strangers, etc).  
    Actually, I feel that I'm actually depriving myself of all these things...
     Men are never judged the same way, don't you agree, girls? It's ok for Hef to be 90 and have a 20 something chick, right?
   Oh, and we're even worse if we have kids from previous relationships. Cause apparently, lots of people still think there's nothing worse than a single mom who's bringing a kid into her relationship with a ...KID ;)...at least in my country..unless of course, you're Demi Moore, in which case, it's fine

3rd: a 20 year old guy 'risks' to become your child's playmate - and this is not necessarily good - cause if the relationship ends, there won't be just one heartbroken, but two. So, what to do ..what to do...Is it better not to involve your 20 something in your family activities for ...let's say...about 10 years? or better yet..would it be better for your child not to see him/her at all for the same period of time? 
    Come to think of it,maybe I should have kept the relationship nocturnal..

4th: a 20 something requires the same amount of attention (or maybe more) as your own child and will punish you when not getting it.

   Yap, I'm living it...It's the end of the world if he doesn't receive a reply to his
20th text message and will question my commitment to the relationship if I don't share candy between my son and him. Seriously, he once started a huge fight cause I didn't want to give him my son's chocolate. How fu*&ed up is that? Sorry about the bad language. I'm not usually like this.
   Ok, I got the make up sex after, but he never got the chocolate...muahahaha

5th: the 20 something is unpredictable and will change his/her mind many times - I'm actually the queen of indecision, but I see I could be even worse.

6th: you may have different tastes in...everything
     let's develop, shall we? what you may think it's hip and cool, no matter if we talk about music, food, movies, literature, etc, he/she may have not even been born at the time you were enjoying the 'good stuff'
    so, try to keep up with the youth (and whatever cool rapper who appears half naked on stage and you don't understand anything he says cause of the screaming)  if you don't want to look like a granny/grandaddy to your 20 something significant other

7th: under no circumstances will you accept being called MOMMY or DADDY or whatever derivative coming from these two
I don't have to explain too much, do I? Once you enter that territory, it's going to be difficult to act and feel all sexy and provocative if you have your child's image in your head

       Now,  my 20 something seems to be another type, a kind of mutant, the more dangerous kind. 
      He's the type who spends time with me in the kitchen and not just to get some on the kitchen table (wonder if he ever thought about it, but since his mind is constantly on sex, I doubt he hasn't).
      He likes cooking with me and for me and he involves my son in this. Either he's really smart and hopes to get the mother by impressing the little one with his chocolate cake, or he's really like that and... I'm still not convinced.

      He prefers to stay in instead of clubbing while I prefer the exact opposite: I'd go out every week, twice a week if that were possible. He wants to get married - let's not forget he's only 23. Yes, he's still living in Fairyfu*&ingville. Worst thing about this: he wants to marry ME! ME! I'm sorry KID, have we met? I have a child and was never married, not even to the father of my child...Yes, for a second I said yes few weeks ago...and the thought still lingers in my mind...
   But hear this:'Marrying a younger man increases a woman's mortality rate

Women who are seven to nine years older than their husbands have a 20% higher mortality rate than if they were the same age' .   So, my dear KID, since the difference between us is 9 years and given the above, you will understand my reluctance.

      Well, all in all, a 20 something partner may be difficult to handle, tiresome and sometimes very annoying, requires lots of attention and can be very stressful, but mine has dragged me in a hell of a ride...

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