About nothing...

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Jan 16th, 2014

Sad for some, but here I am, spending my evening with my rabbit (Kidzilla's with Bob), writing, surfing the internet and having writer's block for the first time in my short writer life.

Youtube Playlist : Destiny's Child (yap, the BEFORE Beyonce)

Rabbit : free in the kitchen

Condition of the kitchen : clean 

 I can't believe I just called myself a writer, but hey...I'm in front of a PC, I am using the keyboard to write stuff and, unbelievably people read the words that I put together. Even crazier is the fact that some of them like it. 

  I started the book, but got lost somewhere on the way. I have the story clear in my head, thought about killing Bob several times already..in the book of course, I know how the book ends, and it's a great end too. Who knows? Maybe they'll make a movie out of it (if I ever finish it)  and Brad Pitt would play the KID. Oh wait, he's old and maybe dead by the time I finish the book. Damn! 

Youtube Playlist : Beyonce - didn't quite realize til now she's almost naked in most of her videos

Rabbit : in the pink cage

Condition of the kitchen: don't ask...who the f... made me bring a rabbit home? 

I am however positive that the book  (I repeat: if I ever finish it) would be good, to say the least. And I'm being modest. I mean, look at Justin Timberlake (oh come, you love him) : Britney broke his little Mickey Mouse Club heart and then he came out with "Cry me a river...cry me a river...". Huge success!

 Then Adele : a guy brakes her heart, then she comes out with Rolling in the deep. Again, huge success! So why wouldn't this work for me too? Ok, can't think of any heartbroken famous writer now, but I'm sure there are lots.

  I read a lot of articles on writing that said : write what you know, don't think about it too much, cause the more you do it, the more insecure you become about your writing.

Youtube Playlist : Maroon 5...I've got the moves like Jagger, I've got the moves like Jagger,etc etc.     It's my son's favorite song actually ;)

Rabbit : still pink cage + I turned off the lights in the kitchen so he/she knows it's time to sleep

Condition of the kitchen: same as earlier

   Well, I thought to start the year giving you a glimpse of ...me. Yeah, I just hate talking about myself to complete strangers :D ...and my evening that I actually enjoy. Finally, time for myself. I'm sure most mothers will understand what I'm talking about. Yes, as we all did, I felt guilty when I first thought about a moment for myself. Now I highly appreciate them cause otherwise I'd be wandering the streets like a crazy person.

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