Chapter 2

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Y/n's POV

Its only been a day and I can't stand Damian! I don't understand how he gained the role of Robin! When Dick was Robin he was responsible, smart, kind yet a big smartass, Damian is just the opposite, he almost reminds me of...Bruce? Ugh! That's even worse, I spent four years living with him until he-

"Earth to Starling!" Blue yelled waving his hand in my face.

"Wha? Oh sorry Jaime what were you saying again?" I said looking at him.

"I was saying this dude has been hogging the training room all morning!" He said gesturing to Damian who sliced an enemy in half.

"Eh, I don't really give a crap, at least I don't have to train..." I shrugged.

"Well I do!" Jaime said before walking over to the controls.

"Blue is about to create hell..." I mumbled.

Damian's POV

As I was about to attack another guy he disappeared. My head immediately shot towards the others direction.

"Gee how'd that happen?" Blue Beetle said smirking while Beast Boy smiled, Raven showed no emotion, and Starling snickered.

My temper got the best of me and I threw a bat-a-rang towards Blue Beetle. He quickly shot at it; and it fell into the ground.

"What the hell!?" He yelled.

"Things about to get real..." Starling said backing away from Blue.

"I heard your tech was fast, I wanted to see how fast." I said smirking.

"Don't mess with us little man!" He warned as he walked closer.

That's when Starfire flew in between us. "Alright! I can see we are getting off on the...wrong foot." She said placing her hand on my shoulder. "Damian this is a team effort, you need to be willing to accommodate others." She said removing her hand.

"Nightwing said you were a princess, exiled no doubt." I huffed putting my sword away.

"Technically it was a coup, and like it or not I am the leader of this group." Starfire said warningly.

"As I see it you're an alien with no where else to go." I responded glaring at her.

The hooded girl then butted in. "Everyone has a home Damian, you included."

"Thank you for chiming in witch girl." I said still glaring at Starfire.

"Hey! Lay off rich boy." Starling said glaring at me.

"Make me." I said smirking.

"Ugh! You're like a child!" She scoffed crossing her arms and glaring at me.

She soon backed away and let Starfire and I finish our argument.

"We're only here to help you realize your potential." Starfire said.

"You've been here long enough, when do you think you'll realize yours?" I said walking away.

As I was walking Blue Beetle caught my arm. "Dude! You need to show some respect." He said glaring.

I grabbed his arm and pinned it behind his back. I then kneed him in the stomach and kicked him against the wall.

" just dug your own grave." Starling said fearfully backing away.

Blue Beetle stood and his helmet fell over his face, while his arms lengthened into swords.

"Ready when you are!" I said taking out my sword.

"No! Stop this!" Starfire yelled as Blue Beetle and I ran towards each other.

As our swords clanged Starling was yelling at us. "Blue! Robin! Knock it off before the scarab breaks loose!" She yelled cupping her hands over her mouth.

We both ignored her as we continued fighting. "Who's fighting me!? You or the bug?" I said pushing my sword onto his. (That sounds so wrong 😂 my mind is so...)

"You better hope its me!" He yelled. We continued to dodge each other's hits and attack each other.

Until the scarab on his back growled and launched tentacle like things at me. (Best description ever Damian /)_-)

I dodged them of course and summersault backwards as I threw bat-a-rangs at him. They blew up causing him to crash into the wall.

Starfire and the others gasped in fear, which I ignored. I walked over to Blue Beetle and glared down at him. "That's the difference between you and me, you wear a weapon...I am a weapon."

That's when his eyes began glowing red and his chest plate opened to reveal a blaster. (I don't know what it's called -_-)

Everything happened so fast, as Blue Beetle stood I felt myself being pushed away. As I fell to the ground I looked up to see Starling taking the blast from Blue Beetle.

She was blasted to the other side of the training room. As I stared at her in shock Blue Beetle's eyes returned to normal.

"Oh god..." he said as shocked as I was. "STARLING!" He yelled worriedly running over to her figure.

I stood up only to see them all surrounding her. "She saved my life..." I thought to myself.

"I tried to stop him!" I heard Blue Beetle yell. "Oh man! I'm so sorry..." he said falling to his knees. His helmet slid off his head to reveal his worried face. "D-did I kill her?" He stuttered.

I walked over to them. Starfire was holding Starling on her lap. Starlings h/c hair was down and Starfire removed her mask to reveal...a beautiful looking girl.

"She's still alive...barely." Starfire said worriedly.

"Everyone get back." Raven said as everyone backed away; including me. She placed her hands on Starlings head. "By the powers of Azarath I beseech you, Azarath...menthrios...sinthos." she said as Starling was healed. Her eyes glowed as she fell into Starfire's arms.

"We need to get her back into her room, Garfield."

"I got her." Beast Boy said transforming into a gorilla and taking Raven into his arms.

Starling began to squirm. She groaned and opened her eyes. "What the hell just happened?"

"Raven healed you." Starfire said helping her stand.

Blue Beetle then rushed up to her. "I am so sorry!"

"Its fine just almost killed me is all." She said jokingly as she elbowed him in the side.

She looked at me and quickly turned away. "I'm just gonna go check on Rave." She said walking away. Blue Beetle and Starfire nodded leaving me alone in the training room.

"You saved my life..." I said as if she could hear me.


Woo hoo! I finally updated!

I'm so sorry it took forever 😭 Have some virtual puppies to make it better *hands you a virtual puppy*

Anyways your buddy Blue almost killed you...heh it rhymes

But until next time!


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