Chapter 6

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Yay! Oh! So I changed the cover and was wondering if you guys liked it or not so...yeah :3. then I'll just leave....*shuffles away awkwardly*


Y/n's POV

I thanked the woman as I began walking back over to Damian with my cotton candy. I then sat down next to him and he looked at me.

"Here, try some." I said holding out the cotton candy as he took a piece off.

He placed it in his mouth (*wiggles eyebrows*) and his face filled with disgust. "This tastes like pure sugar."

I chuckled and he looked at me with an unamused face. "Because that's what it is Wayne." I said taking a bite of the sweet treat.

"Ugh. Don't call me that." He said looking away as I rolled my eyes and continued eating my cotton candy.

"You're just pouty cause I knew something you didn't." I mumbled. But I had a feeling he heard me since he turned to say something before a song erupted.

We turned our attention towards the crowd who were watching Garfield and Jaime...dancing? Damian looked at me with his eyebrow raised and I just shrugged as we both stood and walked over to Star and Rave.

"Wow. Who knew Garfield could dance." Raven said crossing her arms.

Then there was a beeping noise signaling that Garfield was the winner. Jaime then wobbled over to us; he was also out of breath. "Free popcorn to anyone who can slay the beast." He said gesturing to Garfield, who was gloating to the crowd at how "awesome" he was.

"I can do it." Damian stated bluntly as we all looked at him in surprise.

"You can dance?" I asked him as he began walking towards the stage.

"I'm a quick study."

As they began dancing Garfield took the lead quickly as Damian struggled with his feet, he then began looking frustrated. "Come on Damian!" I shouted as he looked back for a second before going back to dancing.

He then began moving his feet in sync with Garfield's as they danced away. I couldn't help the smile that crawled up my lips as I watched the son of the Batman dance. The four of us, Star, Rave, Jaime, and myself, walked through the crowd to come closer to the stage.

I watched and laughed as Garfield was now the one struggling to keep up. As I went to talk to Raven I noticed she wasn't next to me anymore. "Rave?" I turned in a circle to scan the scene around me but she wasn't there.

I then looked at Starfire and Jaime as they cheered Garfield and Damian on. Wouldn't wanna spoil their fun.

I then began to cut through the crowd as I searched for Raven. A figure in the distance then caught my eye. I turned towards a hill to see Raven walking up it, what the hell?

I then ran after her.

Raven's POV

As I walked up the hill my brothers and sisters said to come up I couldn't help but feel something was going to go completely wrong. I took a deep breath as I continued up the hill.

As I came across a clearing I looked up to see a demon. "Sister..." He whispered hoarsly.

"He want's you...." another voice spoke from behind.

I turned to see two more demons appear. "It-it can't be him! It's a trick!" I yelled out as a cackle came from behind. I turned to see a shadow like figure floating closer.

"It is me child." He spoke. Trigon.

"How?" I said taking a step back.

"Never leave unfinished what you started. You fled." He said floating a few feet away.

"I left! I had to!" I defended.

"Yet, here I am." He said.

"If you were really here I'd smell your stink! You're still trapped....all you can send are these losers." I said gesturing to the demons around me.

"I will be there. Its our destiny to be together, Raven, we're family. You can make that happen, you can bring me." He spoke.

"I will fight you every step, you're an abomination!" I yelled at him as he glared down at me.

"Watch your talk, ungrateful girl! He yelled as his eyes began glowing red.

I was then attacked by my "siblings" as I fell to the ground with a grunt he continued talking. "Look at yourself weak, lonely." He spoke another strike was thrown at me.

I then heard faint yelling. "Raven!" I then felt the presence of Y/n as she walked up the hill. No!

"Is that another heroine I smell?" He said smiling.

"No! Leave her out of this! She has nothing to do with this!" I yelled out as I was hit with darkness again. I cried out in pain, I then felt Y/n begin sprinting towards the clearing. No! I then stood as I used my magic to create a dome around us.

"Raven!" Y/n yelled as she began hitting the barrier.

"Go now!" I yelled back.

"You're crazy!" She screamed as she continued punching the barrier.

My father laughed. "Aligning with chattel. It is beneath my concept and I will not have it. You will be apart of this, child. You will know the glory of Trigon."

"Raven!" Y/n yelled in horror as I was hit with more dark magic.

I let out a cry as I stood and created a smaller barrier around myself. "Mother of Azarath, give me strength!" I yelled as I transformed my clothes into my suit. I then shot out the barrier and the demons flew backwards.

As the two barriers fell Y/n ran over and we turned back to back. She then brought out her utility belt. "You brought your utility belt?" I questioned as I blocked off a demon.

"Never leave home without it!" She said chucking a bomb at the demon. "Batman's first rule!" She continued as the bomb blew up.

"And I thought Starfire was strict." I yelled as she laughed. We continued battling, back to back. "You cannot last. You're temporal agents." I yelled out creating a shield.

"We will last long enough." A demon spoke as he shot darkness. I then blocked it and Y/n threw another bomb at it.

"He wants you." A demon said shooting dark magic at us. I blocked it and pulled a barrier around us. "He will have you!" He snarled as another demon began shooting darkness at us.

"Hang on!" I yelled as Y/n and I were blasted off the hill.

Damian's POV

As I landed the last dance move the crowd cheered. I looked over to Garfield to find him leaning on the railing for support.

I then looked over to Starfire and Jaime as they made their way towards the front of the stage. I then made my way down the steps.

"Awesome dude!" Jaime cheered.

"Yes, quite impressive." Starfire said as Garfield showed up beside me. "You were very good to, Garfield."

"Yeah, okay." He said panting and bent down to rest his hands on his knees. "Whatever."

I looked around for Y/n, but she was no where in sight. "Where's Y/-"

That's when screams erupted from the crowd, then the civilians began running. All four of us then looked up to see two figures fall to the ground.

We ran closer to them to see Y/n and Raven surrounded by red creatures.
Raven held Y/n in her arms; as Y/n was unconscious.

"Y/n! Raven! Titans go!" Starfire yelled as they began transforming. I then ran back to the car to retrieve my katana. Hang on Y/n.

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