Section 7: Processor ( Brain) parts

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If you want more information please got to and type the word into the search bar and you find what you are looking for since the words are literally typed, for the most part, as they have it. Some words may not be added on there but they are used so please ask me if you are confused at all.

These are merely definitions, some may get lengthy but that is so it is easier to understand if it is a complicated term. Please enjoy and sorry for this long message before the terms, but it is needed.

If it is in parenthesis, (these thing here), it is not my own words and it is literally copied word for word from the TFwiki so none of the words, unless as stated before in parenthesis, are mine and they go to the respectful owners. They can all be found on the wiki and I have no claim on them except for the fact I am using them in this list here to help others.

Enjoy!~ ( The bold will be the Transformers/Cybertronian terms that will be used. Any questions please ask and I will answer them best I can)

Processor ( brain) parts:

Central/Cerebral/Core processor- refer to the same thing, possibly the mechanical equivalent of a biological brain. When these terms are used in figures of speech, they seem to be used in place of "mind" or "(metaphorical) heart".

Logic processor- Logic processors process the information a Transformer is receiving and determine how much sense it makes. How these correlate with logic circuits is unstated.

Meta processor- Meta processors are processors which process a Transformer's conception of reality itself. 'Meta processor' might be the Generation 1 term for Cerebral processor, but it could also be just a part of it.

Vocal Processor- Vocal processors convert electronic data intended for verbal communication into audible signals and allow Transformers to speak to their comrades

Power chip rectifiers- are a piece of Transformer anatomy which gives its possessor special powers that other Transformers do not have.

Battle computer- A battle computer is a component of Transformer anatomy that governs their ability to fight in battle. ( Prowl is popular with having this)

Cranial Chamber- ( Not really defined but I believe that it means to do something similar to a skull for humans since it sounds like it protects their processor. This is only from what I saw it say. )

Memory Core- A place where memories are stored

Turbo-balance thrusters- are a component of Transformer design which allows them to maintain their balance when doing ninja moves. Humans don't have them. ( This is only used in Transformers Animated)

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