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Tyler Joseph, what was there to say about him. he was smart, funny sarcastic, cute and gay. he sat in the back of the class and studied hard but on the weekends would hang out with Melanie and Ryan. Melanie was the bestest person in the whole world and she was a little ball of cuteness. while Ryan was an emo fuck but all three of them made the perfect social outcast group and to any person who saw them on the streets, they were best friend goals.

tylers brother Zach was in a band and Zach was 18 while Tyler was 15. Zachs band was not really taking off but they were good. Zach really didn't pay attention to the fact that, Tyler was actually talented too.

"stay away while we're practicing" Zach always said, as if Tyler wanted to go near them. although Joshua Dun was the drum player and Tyler thought he was the most perfect person ever. perfect teeth, perfect hair, perfect laugh, just everything about Josh was perfect. but Tyler wasn't perfect. his teeth was crooked. his hair wasn't really that stylish and his laugh sounded like a baby cat... being strangled. well that's what Tyler thought.

Melanie was currently spending the night and Ryan was grounded for blasting 'True Friends' by bring me the horizon so loud that the tv speaker broke, and the neighbors called the cops.

"so anything new with your crush?" she asked as she was painting tylers nails a metallic black. Tyler shook his head as he sighed.

"Nothing new with my senpai" he said softly as he was intrigued by the concentration Melanie had on his nails.

Melanie nodded. "that sucks" she said and smiled as she finished tylers last nail perfectly.

Tyler put his hands on his knees waiting for them to dry. Melanie put in a movie and laid down on tylers bed.

"Too bad Ryan isn't here" Tyler mumbled.

soon a knock was on the door then it was opened a second later without permission. "Josh and Brendon are coming over so just stay in your room and if you need food, don't go to the kitchen" Zach said then looked at Tyler with his eyebrows raised.

Tyler nodded. "Yes sir" he said, then Melanie saluted.

"Fucking dorks" Zach groaned with a roll of his eyes.

Tyler sighed then scrunched his face up. "HAVENT YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF CLOSING THE GOD DAMN DOOR!" he yelled as he quoted one of their songs that they constantly sing in the basement. Melanie got up and closed the door as she sat back down.

Tyler let out a breath and collapsed dramatically on his bed, his hands on his stomach. "Mel" he said in a sigh.

she looked down at him her eyebrows furrowed. "Can you spend the night?" he asked and she nodded with a smile.

"Cmon lets have a Harry Potter marathon!" she suggested as Tyler nodded. "Let's go down stairs and get food before your senpai and forehead come"

when they went down to the kitchen, Melanie took Cheetos and other chips. while Tyler grabbed waters, a few sodas and some peanut butter.

"I'll get the spoons and the ice cream" Melanie stated while Tyler waited for Melanie since his hands were full.

they got their food and went back up to tylers room and put everything on his bed. "okay let's eat ice cream now and save everything for later" Tyler said and Melanie agreed while beginning to play Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone.

This sucked but im just trying to build character and plot development

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