Untitled Part 2 (1)

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zahnia pov

Why everybody keep asking me the same question when will they stop but then again I don't want him to turn on me too,should I talk to him?~decision decision decisions~

I got up this morning not wanting to go to school I never do I put on some sweats and walked over to Marc house.Ding Dong ~his door bell sound like a needy striper or horny both the same~ "Hello how may I help you?" I looked up at the woman standing at the door she looks just like marc finally I said "hello good morning may I please speak to marc...Marcus?" She let me in and then came the question all people hate "Are you his girlfriend?" She asked I gaged on air "No no we're just friends nothing more."

"Pardon my manners I am ,Michelle, Marcus' mother let me get him for you." She left and I looked around its pretty in here it has this futur-ish look to it you know with all white- "Hey" said a voice interrupting my train of thought I turned around "good morning" There was an awkward lag until he finally spoke "so you gonna tell me why you let them treat you the way they do?" "How did you know?" I asked "just thought." "so any way can we talk somewhere else?" He led me to his room .~ I sat on the edge of the bed "so a couple years ago my dad died in a gang 'accident' every since he died I never been able to pick my self up it was like me and him vs. The world and the bad part about it is that 3 months after my mom go sick AF I mean she still sick and you know every day waking up there is no way to get him out off my head just seeing my mom or brothers remind me of him even iyoana remind me of him so I guess I'm still broken." I was trying hard to hold back tears he held me in a hug and rubbed my back while I cried in his arms a little part of me was happy to be in his arms it made me feel like this was the safest place to be. After our long ass hug he finally wiped away my tears"thats no reason to let people talk you down in pretty sure if we told your mom or dad they would start crying right you wanna see them cry no cause the fact that you sad and its because of what happened to them is gonna hurt them am I right or am I right?" I nodded he hugged me and pulled me on the bed with him he only had on boxers he stroked my hair and kissed my forehead I looked up at him next thing you know we having a full blown make out session in his room he was grabbing on my ass I was pulling down his boxers well trying till his mom knocked on the door we stopped instantly fixed ourselves and opened the door his mom had this smile on her face "you got something on your neck dear." My eyes widen and I looked at him he scratched his neck and looked at the wall like its the most interesting thing just then I got a text from Kammryn saying: Where you at you going to school or you gonna stay with that boy look out the window I saw everything.

I looked out the window to see all my brothers looking up here u swallowed the hump in my throat his mom looked out the window and waved they waved back and laughed at me I took thus time to sneek out the room with Marc following behind we ran out he said he see me later and we parted ways.

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