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Before I start this, you should know that you are going to have a fair share of writing things that you end up disliking after awhile. It's in an author's nature. It doesn't matter how much you love the show or whatever, you might just loose inspiration because you hate the way you write it, hate the character you've portrayed, or hate the idea in general. I've had a ton of books that I really hate writing for (*cough* Sister, Sister *cough*) but I still update for one reason.

The readers. Your readers are singlehandedly the most important to your book. They give you feedback, advertise your book, and are craving the next update. Readers control whether your book is a flop or a success.

Readers/comments is mainly why I'm still writing today. They motivate me to continue writing Arabella's story, even if I really hate the book and plot in general. People love the book and I get great feedback, so I keep going.

A part of my motivation is I really love the show I write for. I can't write for a show that I'm not 100% invested in (@ Teen Wolf) because it gets too difficult for me. I lack the kind of love I have for other television shows/movie franchises. You need to really love the show you're writing for, and the love interest as well.

You need to be confident in your works. You can't just sit and self loathe on how much you're a "bad writer" (which you're probably not, let's be honest here) because then you won't be dedicated to writing it. You'll be more focused on thinking about how much you "suck" that you can't get yourself to write a chapter for a book that probably has great potential. Be confident in your writing.

But, what you guys should get from this is that you need to really fall in love with writing the book. If you have half of a heart when writing a certain book, I can guarantee it won't come out as great as you thought it could be. Fall in love with your OC, the faceclaim you choose, the idea, the cover...whatever the hell you want. Become passionate in what you love and do it.

I hope this helped. Feel free to leave comments/questions!


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