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just a brief collection on good tips for writing.


basically, this is the part where your two characters are finally admitting their feelings. whether you're making them randomly blurt their feelings in a fight or your characters end up saying it to each other while talking, you want to go slow.

there needs to be a build up. you can't start the chapter like this:

holly and klaus stared at each other.

"I hate you," klaus said.

"same," holly replied.

a few minutes later, holly was smiling. "ily," holly confessed.

"ily 2," klaus replied.

that's really exaggerated but you get it. you can't have your characters hating each other in chapter 1 then having two kids and living in the suburbs in chapter 3.

you need to build up their love.

also; when they're confessing their love for each other—make sure that has a buildup too. make the OC stumble over his or her words, make them nervous. confessing feelings is pretty hard and nerve-wracking. it takes a ton of courage to do that, so don't rush it.


we all love a sarcastic, witty character...but that can't just be their whole personality. you can add in a couple one-liners in the dialogue and make them mean, but make them have a diverse personality.

I've read a ton of books where the OC is just like one dimensional. they're sarcastic and mean with a past. that's it.

idk maybe make your character an artist? maybe they're really good at a sport? don't make them JUST sarcastic, because that isn't a diverse character. that's flat and annoying. maybe they enjoy baking idk.


the description of your book shouldn't been a Jane Schaffer essay here okay. make it brief and don't reveal EVERYTHING about your character.


"read to find out!"

"will holly have sex with klaus? will klaus hate holly? will Elijah fall in love with holly? will holly eat klaus?"

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"will holly have sex with klaus? will klaus hate holly? will Elijah fall in love with holly? will holly eat klaus?"

"will holly have sex with klaus? will klaus hate holly? will Elijah fall in love with holly? will holly eat klaus?"

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