Chapter 3

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"Hey handsome" I hear as I jolt awake. Looming over me is Justin.

"What are you doing here?" I yawn innocently.

"You keep tempting me by saying your windows always unlocked and I missed you and its our anniversary. I decided to surprise you early."

"What time is it?" I ask wondering if this was just one of my dreams.

"5ish" Justin chirps giving me a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Too early." I grown and lay back down.

He hugs me tight and pulls me against his chest. "I love you" he whispers in my ear.

"I love you too." I say drifting off.

I wake up cold. I had no dream and Justin left.. Or that was a dream and I'm just over obsessed.

I look at the end table where there's a note.

Sorry I had to take off. Didn't want your parents to walk in on us sleeping together. I love you.


Okay. So that wasn't a dream. I guess I should be happy he visited me. Better than not seeing him.

I get up and decide to try to learn something new. I go outside and grab Drew's skateboard. He never bothered to learn how to ride. I grab my bicycle helmet and go to the paved road.

I stand on the board and try to get used to balance. Then I push against the asphalt and get steering settled. After I understand the basics I push a couple of times and transition my foot on the board. I fall flat on my butt.

I get up, brush off my pants, and try again. After the 4th time I manage to stay on the board for more than 5 seconds.

I get a foot technique figured out and find a gently slope in the road. I carefully push and get both feet on the board. I don't loose momentum this time. I keep myself centered and slowly come to a stop. I smile and decide I've done good with this for today.

I pull out my phone and see a text from Justin.

Hey love, sorry again for having to leave. Happy anniversary. Love you. Be safe. <3 :*

Its fine. Glad I actually got to see you. I love you too. You're the best. :D

I go in the house as my mom pulls up.

"ETHAN!!! GREAT NEWS!!! I FOUND A GREAT DEAL!!!" Mom shouts through the house as she walks in.

"What are you talking about?" I ask

"Clean these pots and pans and repackage them. I'm gonna return them and get the same ones at another store because its cheaper there?"

"What the hell? No! That's so cheap and stupid. We've used those pots." I say getting smacked at my statement.

"I am your mother and you will not cuss in this household. Now do as you're told before I beat you." She says angrily.

"I don't believe its right and in refuse to take part in this." I say. She tries to smack me again but I walk away fast enough and lock myself in my room.

I'm extremely irritated that anyone would be so desperate for money that they would repackage their items. That's so wrong. My face is hot and my eyes start to tear up.

I lay down and close my eyes. I try to clear my head and fight the urge to do something I'll regret.

I know that this is stupid to cry over bit its just not right. How could someone be so caught up in the monetary system that they would do this. She has definitely changed my opinion of her, not like it was that good before today anyways.

I bite my hand to distract myself and redirect the pain. That's my reflex to most things. Just redirect the pain and everything will be fine.

I'm an emotional wreck. I open my phone and decide to try to do something else. I see my old guitar in the corner of the room. I never learned how to play that, guess I could give it a shot.

I Google how to properly tune a guitar and I fix it to how it should be. I play each string carefully and get used to holding it. I look up a nice easy song to play and follow the guide on the internet.

I don't quite understand it so after about an hour of trying I give up. I did have a nice little bit going though. Maybe another time I'll master it.

I look at the time, its 6:00 pm. I realize I haven't eaten all day. 'Do I really need food?' I ask myself thinking about the events of today and refusing to leave my room.

I find some candy in a drawer and nibble on it. There's my meal for today. I just lay down on my abundance of pillows and think.

Eventually I drift off even though its just 7:00pm. 'Man today seemed to go by fast' I think to myself as I fall into my darkness of dreamless slumber.

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