The first session

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Frisk watched as Toriel came out of the bedroom. She broke into giggles. Toriel was holding a large cape with the words Sleepking stitched onto it. "He wanted something to match his personality, so, here it is." Toriel laughed boldly. The two walked into the living room, and found Alphys fidgeting around. She turned when they entered and rushed over. "M-my queen. I, uh, I have some news for Frisk!" Her eyes lit up with excitement and curiosity. "What news?" "W-well Frisk isn't doing as good as she would like in science, so she asked me to help them. A-and after thinking about it all night, I-I want to teach them?" Toriel's joyous look filled the whole room. "That's wonderful!" Frisk never recalled asking about science, so what could Alphys want? Her train of thought was broken by Toriel beginning to why Frisk had never told her. "I... Wanted to surprise you?" A sheepish grin spread across Alphys' face. "H-her first lesson is today, and-" "OH!" Toriel cut in "Well, we have to get Frisk ready." She dropped the purple and gold cape onto the couch, and ran out of the room. The light left Alphys' eyes and with her delighted tone. "Frisk, I have something to ask you. It is very dangerous if you agree, Toriel will never let you do it if she knew." Just then the large goat creature rushed back into the room, and shoved a bag into Frisk's hands. "What time does she come back?" Alphys froze, having not considered this question, and began to falter. "I-I it, uh, should, um, b-be around 2 pm ish..." Hurriedly, Frisk was pushed out the door, onto the loose gravel path, and heard shouts of goodbye from Toriel. The sun shone brightly in the sky, blue and purple flowers bloomed alongside the path they were walking, and bird chirped endlessly. "So, what were you going to ask me Alphys?" The color drained from the yellow lizards face.  Chara came out from behind a tree.(This is going off the fact that CHARA ISN'T EVIL. PEOPLE THINK THAT, BUT IT'S WRONG!!!)  "What are you doing?" Frisk ignored her. "W-well, I build this machine that could s-send you to alternate demotions, AUs if you will, a-and I hadn't tested it out." Frisk looked down in thought. "I f-found out not every universe has a F-Frisk, so I t-thought you could go." Chara looked horrified at the thought of Frisk leaving. "Will I be able to return?" Alphys began fidgeting again. "M-maybe? If you do, you w-will most likely be asleep in the alternate universe. B-but you will remember everything about this universe. I-if you don't want to do it, t-that's ok!" Anger burst out of Chara. "You can't possibly be considering this, can you?" "Chara can come right?" (I feel like Frisk would tell Alphys about Chara, and Alphys would know the reason for her being there.) Frisk stated deep into Alphys' eyes. "No, I-I don't think she can. Unless you want to share your soul with her." Frisk sighed, and tilted her head back. For a while, she watched the clouds, thinking about the decision. On one hand, she could agree, and get thrown back into the Underground, but risk Alphys getting caught by Toriel. On the other hand, she could refuse, and spend a couple of hours with Alphys and Mettaton each week, and watching anime. Put that way the choice was clear. "Alright, Let's get it over with."

They had reached the makeshift lab Undyne and Alphys had built together. Most of it was made out of thick, cinder blocks and had very few windows. It was painted white and grey, with a red door, and small yellow flowers planted around it. Speckles of water shone on the new concrete path leading to the front step. Frisk and Alphys glanced at each other, and proceeded to the front door. Upon opening it, Mettaton, the robot meant for show business, stepped forward. "Alphys, darling, I finished checking your device. I must say, you really have outdone yourself! Oh, Frisk, darling! I was told you were coming. Step inside!" After that, he stepped aside and gestured forward. As Alphys gingerly walked in, Frisk began to take notes about the rooms around her. They were all painted a dull brown, except for the room on the right, which was bright pink. The furniture was sparse and small, most of the things were covered in papers and books anyway. Alphys stepped toward a door with a large padlock. "M-Mettaton and I have the only keys, s-so if we get locked in look on my desk." The wide door opened to an elevator with 3 buttons. Alphys pressed the bottom one. Without speaking, the two traveled to the ground floor. "H-here we are." A large glass tube, just large enough for Frisk, with several wires coming out of it sat in the middle of the small white test chamber. "That will take me to AUs?" Alphys blushed "W-well you will have a neural connection to it, yes." The confused look must have set Alphys off. "I-I can wake you up at anytime of I have to." Chara floated beside Frisk, waiting for her to present her soul. Unsure, Frisk lightly gripped it, the held it out. Chara eagerly grabbed it and disappeared into Frisk's mind. "I'm ready." "I-if you say so." Then she fell into darkness.

Hey guys! I need to ask for some AUs. I have underfell outertale and under swap. So suggestions.

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