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A fireball exploded next to Frisk's head. "Come back here little brat!" Loud footsteps pounded behind her . "THE DOOR IS AROUND THIS CORNER!" Flowey was sweating hard, and Frisk couldn't blame them. Something blew up next to the duo, sending Frisk flying off her feet. "That will teach you to mess with the monsters, human!" The blurry figure of Toriel was standing at the only exit. "Oh no, we're done for, we're done for." "No we aren't Flowey." Maniacal laughter echoed down the narrow hall. "You think you can stop me? The only way through is to kill me. I've been watching you, you couldn't hurt a fly. So here is where you die, and I take your soul, with the other I've collected, up to Asgore and regain my place as queen." Another fireball whizzed past Frisk's face. Toriel wasn't going to let Frisk talk her way out. Frisk remembered back to the times she fought Toriel. She could only dodge. She could only Spare. A fireball hit her in the chest, and her clothes began to burn. Frisk screamed and rolled to put the fire out. It was easily gone after a few turns in the dirt. Toriel strode over to the fallen human, and put her hands around the child's head, locking it in place."This is your last goodbye, any final words?" Frisk looked up into Toriel's large eyes. "Please, let me see the golden flowers one last time." Toriel looked taken aback. Something flashed in Toriels eyes. Frisk knew what it was, recollection. "That's exactly what she said." She knew what that meant, but knew she wouldn't be believed, at least not by her. "What?" "No, don't ask. I know what you're doing. You're trying to talk your way out like you did with the rest of the monsters down here." Something didn't sound right. Frisk again went back to her dimension. She heard Toriel's voice. "Please, go back upstairs, we can be happy here." (Is that what she said? IDK it's 3 AM) It was desperation. "What are you so desperate about?" "W-what? I'm not desperate for anything other than your soul!" Flowey looked up at Frisk. "What are you doing?" "Trust me, Flowey, I can get through this." Toriel was looking down at the child with pity. (Again it's 3 in the morning. Words are confusing right now.)  "I guess is should tell you, you are about to die after all." Toriel let go of Frisk's head, only to grab her hand. "This is the story about how my reign ended. You do know what reign means, right?" Frisk playfully looked confused. "What a 'reign'?" They both shared a laugh.   "It all started when the first human fell down here. Her name was-" "Chara!" Flowey spoke up. "Um, yeah. Our son, Asreil, heard her cries for help. He found her lying in a golden patch of flowers. I don't know what provoked him to do this, but he helped the child up and took her back to our house. After patching her up, and feeding her a little, he became friends with Chara. Asgore found out what our son had done, and was furious. If you couldn't tell already, most monsters are not nice enough to do that. I don't know why, but I was proud of him. I guess because I thought we were going to get out of here. Anyways, Asgore thought it had gone to far. He planned to kill her, then take her soul, but I stopped him. The next day, the children tried to make a cinnamon butterscotch pie. Chara said she missed some foods from the surface, and Asriel thought that was the best way." Toriel let out a small chuckle. "Instead of using 'cups of butter' they used some of the buttercups from our garden. Asgore got sick after eating it, but the two laughed it off. Soon after that, Chara became sick, very sick. I don't know from what, I think Asgore may have poisoned her, like she did to him. Later, she died, and Asriel absorbed her soul. He went to the surface and came back very hurt. We don't know what happened, but there were lots of arrows and daggers stuck in his body. His final words were 'she said she wanted to see her flowers.' Then his dust spread over the garden. Asgore flew into a rage. He blamed everything on me, and banished me to the Ruins.The reason I told you that was because, the last words we heard from her before she died, were 'Please, I want to see the golden flowers before I die.' Then she stopped breathing." Toriel stood up suddenly. "Now you know what I have to do. I told you and now you're going to die." Toriel violently pulled Frisk's head back into her hands. "Goodbye." Frisk waited for the crack that would mean she died, and would have to restart from her checkpoint, but it never came.  "Heh. Pathetic, is it not? I still don't have the guts to kill." Toriel let go, and backed away. "You remind me so much of her, I can't kill you." A heavy presence fell over Frisk. "My child, go. Go and don't look back. You can go through the barrier from the Capital. Don't worry about me, just go." Toriel helped her up, and Frisk turned to leave. She felt something wrap around her. Toriel had embraced her in a hug. "Be safe." And with that Frisk went through the door. A long passage spread out in front of them. "I'm sorry you had to hear that." Something had shaken Flowey. "Hi." An unknown voice called out from the darkness. "Did you hear that?" Flowey looked up in fear. "I'm Chara. I've been watching you since you fell down. Well, it wasn't my choice. I woke up when you fell down. At first I didn't know why, then I realized, it was your determination." Flowey's eyes filled with tears. "Chara?" She then floated out of the darkness. "Hello, Frisk." Frisk realized she was trying not to give them away. Frisk then wondered if there was any risk about revealing themselves in this timeline. She made a mental note to discuss it with Alphys later. "Don't worry, Chara he knows" "What?! Haven't you ever read about this sort of thing? Time begins to tear, and every reality gets destroyed." Flowey had tears streaming from his eyes. "It's been so long Chara." "Oh, hi. Do I know you?" Flowey looked hurt, then he seemed to remember the other dimension. "W-we should go." "Alright." Together, Frisk, Chara, and Flowey walked outside. (An, sorry I keep going. I don't feel like breaking this up.) The first thing Frisk felt was wind, and snow. "This is Snowdin, you probably know that already, but I wanted to warn you about the former head of the Royal guard, Papyrus." Flowey began listing all the potential monsters they could encounter. Soon, Frisk collapsed. "Oh my Asgore! Are you ok?" Chara glided up next to them. "Humans are vulnerable to the cold. She might need a sweater or something warm." Flowey picked up the backpack, and rummaged around inside. They pulled out a small orange and red striped sweater. Frisk slowly pulled it on. "Thanks Flowey." She smiled at the little plant on her arm. They began walking again. A large branch was in the middle of the path. Frisk stepped over it without a second thought. A few paces later they a large crack broke the silence in the air. Frisk jumped and turned around. It was broken. Feeling like she was being watched, she began walking faster. A gate appeared up ahead with a large gap. Right before Frisk walked through, footsteps sounded behind her. She willed herself to go forward, but couldn't seem to. "H U M A N." Frisk knew who was behind her. "D O N ' T   Y O U   K N O W   H O W   T O   G R E E T   A   N E W   P A L?" She didn't want to look. "T U R N  A R O U N D   A N D   S H A K E   M Y   H A N D."No. She thought Don't do it. Her body betrayed her, and turned. Without a choice, she extended her hand. The figure reached out and shook it. A fiery pain spread through her hand and she felt a warm liquid run down her hand. The figure revealed itself, and Frisk drew her breath in. Sans stood in front of her, but his friendly tone was nowhere to be seen. His hoodie was black, and his undershirt was red. Yellow stitching ran down the zipper of his jacket, and his shoes were now red. "Heh, the old spike in the hand trick, they always fall for it. Whoa, you look like you've seen a ghost, and maybe you have. Anyway, I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton. Don't memorize it, cause you're about to die." Frisk began to cry. She knew what he was capable of, the one time she did a genocide run, and didn't want to go through that again. "D-don't kill me..." Sans laugh loudly. "I'm not going to kill you, I'm too lazy for that. My brother Papyrus will though." Frisk relaxed a little bit. "Oh, I think that's him over there. You know what, I like a good fight, so I'm gonna let you go. Don't think this is me showing you mercy, I just love watching humans try to survive down here. Also, if you get killed by my brother, I will never hear the end of it." The power holding her down was lifted. "What are you lookin' at? If you want to live longer, run." At the last word, his pupils disappeared. Without another moment of thought, Frisk ran for it.


Sorry for all the spelling mistakes and stuff, I'm just so ready to publish this

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