(Almost) death

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Sans teleported over without further thought. Frisk lay motionless on the river shore, eyes closed and clothes soaked, her chest barely rising. "Oh Asgore! Frisk, please wake up!" Sans bent down, and picked Frisk up bridal style (NOT A SHIP!!! GOOD GOLLY GOSH). Flowey moved back to his original position on Frisk's neck. Neither of them saw Chara, trying to heal Frisk's soul.
Chara looked down at the thing in her hands. It was so broken and weak, and Chara didn't know how to heal very well. It suddenly flew out of her hand, and repaired itself. Frisk's ghost slowly began to form around it, and Chara sighed with relief. "W-what happened? Chara?" She shot up to her. "Where is my body? I'm not dead yet, so we might still be able to continue." Chara looked down the path that Sans had just disappeared from. "He took your body back to his house I assume. Also, I didn't think you would die, you know these people." Frisk stared at Chara in annoyance. "If you were in my place, you would have died to." Chara began to laugh, and Frisk let out a snicker (I could go for a Snickers right now) just because of how bizarre the situation was. "They went this way." Chara and Frisk began up the path, engaging in small talk, and overall just being friendly. They reached Snowdin without problem, and soon found a trail of footprints. "Do you think these are his?" Frisk looked over at Chara. "It wouldn't hurt to follow them, and besides, they seem fresh enough to be his." The trail lead to the skeleton brothers house, like Frisk had suspected. They flew inside, and saw Frisk's body lying on the couch. Sans had Flowey on his shoulder, and was trying to do some healing magic of his own. "Sans, are you sure this will work?" Flowey had that same worried look on his face that he had when they were in the shed. "No, I'm not sure, but it's the best I can do." Sans held a small syringe in his hand, and it was filled with red liquid. "Determination." Chara whispered. Frisk didn't need to hear anymore to understand. Chara was trying to say I wouldn't wait any longer. Frisk looked at her sleeping body, then dove in.
Frisk slowly opened her eyes to the blinding light. "Frisk? You're alright! Oh my Asgore you scared us!" The room began to come into view and the sound sorted itself to form words. She was looking at a tan ceiling with a black fan slowly rotating. The faces of Flowey, Sans, and Chara moved into view, and a smile broke out on her face. "Glad to see you're alright kid." Sans placed Flowey onto Frisk's shoulder, then turned to look outside. The moment she sat up, a chill ran through Frisk's body. She hadn't realised until now how hard she was shaking. "S-sans, I need s-s-something dry wear."  In response, he flung her bag into her lap. Feverishly, Frisk dug through the bag, finding her original blue and purple sweater (I didn't mention it, but Frisk was wearing a plain light blue shirt), and loose denim capris. She left Flowey with Sans, and went to Papyrus' room, while Chara sat on the bed with her back to Frisk. Frisk was grateful for the dry clothing, and when she came out, she was overwhelmed by the smell of hamburger. She descended the steps to find Sans cooking, or at least reheating, something. "All your food was waterlogged, so I thought you would like some of this." He gestured to the meat on the stove. "Hey, Sans?" "Yeah, squirt?" "Why did you come find me?" Sans looked down, seemingly deep in thought. He would never admit it, but even if he hadn't been order to watch this human, he would have come anyway. Instead, he told Frisk "I don't know what you did to him, but Papyrus asked me to watch you. Undyne is searching for me, and if she finds me, I'm dead. He didn't think it could get any worse, so he sent me after you." Frisk placed a hand over the necklace Papyrus had given her. It felt like it was pulsing. Frisk walked over to a savepoint that was in the house. Chara was looking at Frisk with a mix of curiosity and confusion. For the first time in a while, Frisk was filled with Determination.
They stayed at the house for a few more minutes, then decided to set out for Hotland. As Frisk was getting ready, she was planning for when she got to Asgore. He was usually the last boss before Omega Flowey, but Flowey wasn't evil in this timeline, and Asgore might not care if Frisk's soul shatters instead of the usual. Frisk was also worried about the Pacifist ending, because Asreil might not be that forgiving. Nor did Frisk want to commit a Genocide run, those were dark, and everyone either got killed or was evacuated. She was at an impasse. Sans noticed the battle raging in her eyes, but decided not to ask. Meanwhile, Chara and Flowey were having a conversation about their childhood together. Chara would occasionally look over at Frisk, and debate whether they should tell Sans or not. Finally, after about 5 minutes, they were ready, but Chara was still hesitant. She began to get more and more twitchy as they packed extra food, water, and clothes (Materials from Sans, sewn by Frisk). Finally, she couldn't resist. "Frisk, tell him." Frisk looked up from the long sleeve shirt she was folding. "Huh?" "Tell Sans about the thing." This only increased the confusion. "What thing? You know we're the only ones who can see you, so you can tell him yourself, without anyone hearing." Chara sighed. "Tell him where we're from, and why we're here." As expected, Sans walked in as Chara said this. "Tell me what?" The two whipped around, and stared in silence. "Well?" Frisk sighed, and glared at Chara. "Sans, you can see the multiple timelines can't you?" This made his pupils disappear. "How would you know something like that?" It was like she was back in the Genocide run. The memories flashed through her thoughts, making her crippled to the floor. Flowey was perched on Frisk's shoulder at the time, and was startled by the drop. "Frisk? Are you ok?" She twitched violently as she felt imaginary attacks wrack her body. Then she stopped as soon as she had begun. A muffled noise came out of the pile on the floor. "What did she say?" Flowey looked up at Sans. "She said 'Tell him we're from an AU'."

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