The Next Forgiving Day

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Kevin texted me.
Baby boy🙏💟- Okay I told all of them to meet us at Olive Garden
Me- Okay. I'm scared.
Baby boy🙏💟- Its okay baby girl. I will be there for you if you can't handle it. I know how hard it is. After this we will get some ice cream and watch empire.
Kevin gets me so well haha.
Me- Thanks babe. I love you.
Baby boy🙏💟- I love you more.
Me- Not possible
Baby boy🙏💟- Yes possible.
I smile and blush every time we say that. Somehow, that's our thing. It is 6:00 so I decide to get ready. I did my hygiene and put clothes on. I put a plain black tee and camouflage pants and black converse. I want to look strong and tough. All I put on mascara. I did not want to go big on makeup. After I was done, I got a text from Kevin that he was outside. I grab what I need and head out the door.

When I get to Olive Garden, I see all of them there already. I felt weird when I saw them. Kevin notice and squeeze my hand. Then he whisper in my ear,
"Don't worry. I'm here."
I smile when he said that. Then, I finally had the courage to walk there and sit down. They all said,
"Hey Millie. Hey Kevin"
"Hi" we both reply.
We all order our food and eat the salads and bread sticks. While we are waiting for the entrées, I finally had the courage to talk.
"Look, what you all did was unforgivable, but I'm different. For me to be religious, I believe in forgiving no matter what. So yes I forgive you, but Taylor you are fired as my songwriting partner. Also Daniel, if you try ANYTHING,...I don't even have to do anything. Kevin will beat your ass. And Brianna, just don't lie to me again. I know you did some of this in good intentions. Also, you are my songwriting partner. We all agree?"
They all nod. Taylor look sad since we won't write songs together. We might later but now not at all. We all got our entrees and start talking. We act like we never even had a fight. It was nice to finally have out group together. But remember what they say. Forgive but not forget.

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