Dance, Paint, Dicuss

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"What in the blue blazes is she doing up there?!" Barton growls as his cup of coffee spills across the table. "We leave her alone in the training room for all of ten minutes and she's causing the apocalypse."

"Don't be so dramatic, it isn't flattering," Natasha says without looking up from the tablet in her hands as she drags her thumb across the holofiles on the screen. Barton snorts.


"That's it, I'm going up there to kill that kid!"


Jay focuses hard on the small metal beam in front of her. She stole an old beam strut from the cargo hold on the Helicarrier yesterday and sawed it up into small blocks with Stark's laser cutter which he hadn't been happy about but she convinced him it would be worth it. Well, maybe it would be if she could ever get this right.

Holding out her hands, she gently makes a coaxing motion towards the metal beam. Painfully slow, it rises above the ground. She concentrates on left to right motions first and then works on up and down. So far so good. She then focuses on twisting motions and torque and all of the ridiculously simple formulas she'd taught herself the other day to explain torque and force to herself in simple terms. The beam twirls and spins and she smiles in triumph. Okay, now to the hard one.

The tip of her tongue sticks out of her mouth comically and she focuses on making the beam follow a random path. Just then, the door swings wide with a slam, and Barton storms into the room yelling, "What the hell are you doin' up here that's causing all this infernal racket?!", just before the beam yanks free of her control and slams into the wall next to his head with a resounding BANG!

There is a moment of dead silence as Barton stares from Jay to the mangled plaster of the wall to Jay again. "Um, my bad?" Jay says timidly, scratching the back of her head.

"Well, at least the noise makes sense now," Barton says and heads out.

"Where are you going?" Jay calls after him.

"Somewhere away from your practicing. If you can call it that. Somewhere high and quiet."

Whatever, Jay thinks to herself. No, her attempts at controlling the telekinesis are not going well but she really hadn't expected them to. At least she can now lift bigger objects. Something about mind over matter. Stark and Banner had caught her practicing late last night and when she'd whined about not being able to move the bigger beams and Stark had said, "Only large in your mind, they are," like some demented wiseman-guru-nutcase which had left her puzzled and Banner laughing on the floor.

Later, Banner had explained that it was a reference to some movie called Star Wars. Whatever that was.

She sighs and decides to try something smaller, maybe something more round. It might be easier to control. She sits down cross-legged on the floor and pulls out the five small metal spheres she managed to filch from the supply closets downstairs. What they are for, she really doesn't know, but they'll serve her purpose well enough and she supposes that justifies it. She places them in front of her and closes her eyes. She read that meditation helps you focus and can improve your connection to the things around you. She thinks the author was full of rubbish but you never know which crazy authors can help you the most.

She breathes in and out and tries not to let her mind wander. Her foot itches. No! Focus, Jay focus, she tells herself. After about a minute, she is so twitchy that she has to get up. With a disgruntled and exasperated sigh, she gets up and is surprised to see Darcy in the hallway.

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