Germany's Plea.

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Alfred had to get out. He was so done with this.

But this house, this fucking house, had gotten him lost. He was pacing the corridors without an arse or an elbow to go by and he was still pissed. Finally he stopped, panting, and resolved to get anther countries attention. He was America, not about to be taken down by lil old EU!

Except it was different. The EU was new, and strong, and the biggest in the trading business. Britain didn't know what he'd be missing without him!

But would Britain even survive without EU or US?


Alfred rubbed his eyes beneath his glasses, and walked on.

"Ah- Britain?"

Arthur blinked and looked up as he passed Ludwig's office. Dressed smart as ever, he stood on the open doorway. "Ja, I wanted a word with you?"


Hesitating, he began, "I-it's about the referendum-"

Arthur held up a hand to stop him, "yes, I know the details, I've heard it all. I'm waiting, alright?" And smiled in what he hoped was a reassuring manner.

"Nein, I know! This is more- personal, I suppose."

Arthur lowered his hand slowly. Ludwig looked so uncomfortable, and he hadn't commented personally on this issue at all since it was announced, if he thought about it.

When Arthur remained silent, he blurted, "we can't afford to lose you."


"As much as you cannot afford to lose us, so we cannot afford to lose you. The EU, it's the best country in trade, bigger even than Russia, than China- and they know it. They're watching for a weak link. And I- I'm the country who's slowing everyone down, and without you, Britain, it will show, and both Russia and China will see," he paused and cleared his throat, almost a little embarrassed despite his urgency, "you support me, and thus support everyone, and I can't-"

"Afford to lose me, yes, I heard the first billion times." Arthur stared hard at Ludwig, mostly in confusion, "Germany, if this has anything to do with the war, I-"

"Nein! Dumbkopf-" he rubbed his temple with the heel of his hand. This was harder than he thought, "it's about everyone, and not about the war, it's over and done with, even if so many British use it as an excuse to leave- it's not about the war. Britain, don't leave."

"...Germany..." Arthur closed his eyes and pressed his fingertips to them. This was an absolute train wreck. "...I can't make this decision, it's the people who vote, not me. I just have to.. go with it."

"...of course," Ludwig sighed and turned back into his office, back to Arthur. Before he closed the door, he asked, "could you call Fe-Italy over for me, please?"

"Which one," Arthur mumbled to the closed door, though he knew perfectly well who: everyone did.

Ludwig's words in mind, clamouring to be heard over Alfred's, Arthur wandered down the hallways, clean forgetting what he sought to do in the first place and practically tripping over Feliciano. He didn't pass the message, but Italy knew it anyway and made his way to Ludwig without a thought.

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