Prussia's Awesomeness.

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"West! Weeest, it's your favorite Bruder!"

Not for the first time, Gilbert hammered on the door of Ludwig's office relentlessly. Gilbird chirped a soft 'pi' and settled in his white hair. A couple doors down the corridor locked as the country went on and on. Not part of the EU, no one saw him as having any business in the great building at all, and one or two even found him a slight liability. But he had a brother, and a brother who loved him.

And a brother who near cleared everyone's heads, making argument unthinkable.

He rolled his eyes. It seemed that Ludwig was going to ignore his awesome brother again. His only brother. This often happened, especially when Gilbert had something he really needed to tell him!

Like right now.

"West come on! Listen to your awesome brother for once?" Gilbert whined.

"Pi, pi!"

"Ja, I agree Gilbird, Bruder really is a dumbkopf. SO unawe-"


"No, he isn't awesome! He's silly West in his silly boots and his silly hair all slicked back and he is SO MISSING OUT ON THE AWESOME!"

But Gilbird was almost the innermost voice in his head, singing Ludwig's awesomeness, and not that he was unawesome, and Gilbert had stopped denying Ludwig awesomeness in his thoughts recently. Especially now.

Especially that he had this to tell him.

Gilbert squished his face against the keyhole, "Luuud-"

"MEIN GOTT-" the door flew open and sent him with a crash and a bout of indignant 'pi's to the floor, "WHAT DO YOU WANT, PRUSSIA?!"

"Oh Ludwig why so mad? Your awesome brother-"

"Is interrupting a very, VERY IMPORTANT MEETING!"

Narrowing his crimson eyes, he drew a breath to reply that he had nothing to do anyway, and that he had something that was far more importany than some doof meeting- and then came a quiet 've' from inside the office. Gilbert needed only note that and the once locked door to chuckle and shrug from the floor, "ach, I'll tell you some other time, West."

His super important news could wait for a time when it wouldn't disturb Ludwig's important meeting with the super important colleague.

Ludwig closed his eyes, and his grip tightened on the door handle: this happened all the damn time. Twitching, he growled, "find something to fill up your time rather than wasting mein, Bruder-" and shut and locked the door firmly with a slam.

"...My news isn't that awesome anyway, Gilbird," he breezed as he stood, brushing invisible dust from his front. Chirping indignantly, the yellow bird flitted around his white head. "Kesesesese, relax, vögelchen! I can tell West tomorrow.."

Gilbird followed him, still chattering away, as he wandered down the hallways. He had his own room but there wasn't any work to do, and everyone else was working- he hardly ever saw Francis or Antonio anymore. When was the last time he went out for a beer with them?

"Naja, naja..." he perched on a wide windowsill and gazed up into the blue sky, strewn with whisps of white cloud, and murmured, "maybe I'm just getting a little.. alt." Gilbird chirped and nestled in his hair sympathetically as he watched the mares tails flick across the sky.

"P-Prussia?" A small hand squeezed his shoulder as the quiet voice asked, "are you okay?"

"Canada! Wie gehts?" Gilbert shuffled up and patted the empty space with a grin.

Hetalia Today.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora