Big Brothers.

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"...'m sure that he'll be..."

Matthew looked up with a sniff from behind steamy glasses, and gave Arthur a look. Arthur faltered.


"What Angleterre means to say, mon cherie, is that, as other countries, there is unfortunately nothing any of us can do to help Prussia," Francis intervened softly, squeezing Matt's shoulder, "really, only the people can change his fate."

Between Francis and Arthur, Matthew sniffed again and dropped his gaze. His papa and Gilbert had always been the best of friends, along with Antonio, for as long as he could remember. Once the country had been dissolved, he had been constantly swapping between living with his brother and his best friends. Though no one had ever admitted to it, the family had become used to his presence in the household, always announced by an excited Gilbird practically rocketing in through the letter slot.

He slipped his glasses off and held his fingertips to his eyes. "But.. but as friends, can't we do anything?"

"Oh, Mathieu..." Francis sighed and put both arms around him, "I honestly cannot say."

Arthur deflated and rubbed Matthew's back. What a disaster, poor boy.

Arms crossed, Alfred turned away from the open door and sighed quietly, frustratedly. He shouldn't eavesdrop, but it was his family. His little brother.

Poor Canada.

His presence would hardly help in this situation, would it? What with the argument between him and Arthur and that snap at Matt. Better he left. On tiptoe, he made his way down the corridor.

Alfred had stayed longer than necessary, hoping for a chance to ask Kiku about any possible updates for one of his favourite anime he watched to take his mind off of things.

So far he'd only found some more misery for the day behind the door...


Stopping, Alfred turned in surprise.

A small country waved and called out again, then started running down the corridor. Alfred actually grinned for the first time in a day, and turned on his heel. Flexing his arm, he held it up and waited as the footsteps thundered closer.

"-CAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Feliciano grabbed onto the limb and swung up into the air, feet leaving the floor. Laughing breathlessly, he held on and beamed up at Alfred, "Ciao, America!"

His brightness was unavoidable and Alfred's grin widened and he chuckled, "heya, Feli!"

Feliciano hung on for a few moments before being lowered down, then he bounced up and clapped. "So strong! I haven't seen you in soooooo long, America, where have you been? Why are you here?" he waved his arms, trying to jump up to eye level with the much taller country, "what's up?"

"Hehe, been busy with the run up to the elections in my country, y'know."

"Oh," his face fell for a moment, "and the vote in a few days, no? I don't like all this gloom..."

"No. You're alright, Feli," Alfred smiled, grin having faded at the reminder of the 23rd of June, and ruffled his hair. He avoided the curl, "everyone's stressed, huh?"

Feliciano nodded, smile returning, "why aren't you with Canada? Fratello should always be there for fratellino."

"Yeah, you're right... big bros should stick with their lil bros."

"Ci! Especially now!"

Alfred looked down at the little country, smiling kindly yet determinedly up at him. He sighed. "Buuut I don't know if Canada wants me around right now..."

Feliciano put a hand to his arm in concern, "what do you mean, mio amico?"

Should he tell him? It wasn't any of his business. It wasn't Feliciano's business, either.

And then he realised that it was: Matthew was Gilbert's friend, and Alfred's brother; Ludwig was Gilbert's brother, and Feliciano's... well everyone knew what was going on between them. They both loved their brother and (uh) friend, in different ways, yes, but that made it their business. If all the countries didn't stick together, what would the world be?

And he had grown up with Gilbert in the spare bedroom just next door. Feli and Lud had been drinking together with Gilbert so many times.

Everyone had to watch out for one another.



"...he's dying, I think. No, he's dying, and Matthew and Francis and Arthur are all sitting together-"

"Without you?!"

Alfred blinked. "P-pardon?"

Face set with determination, Feliciano pointed a stern finger over his shoulder and announced, as boldly as Romano, "your famiglia need you, Al. Go."


Trying hard not to grin, Feliciano pushed him towards the door, hands against Alfred's chest, "go! Go!"

Smiling a little, Alfred laid his hand on the door. They shared a glance. Feli waved with a bright smile, reassuring that he'd tell Ludwig: "go to your family, big brother America!"

The door opened.

"...hey, Matt... I couldn't help but overhear the news... wanna hug?"

"Y-yes please, Al!"

America is the big brother.

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