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SN: This is a solo one because my partner failed Algebra and got her Wattpad taken away. She's coming back cause she passed the test and stuff. Until then let's cheer that she's coming back! Woo! I guess that also since this is a solo chapter I will do an actual topic. Dares, yes dares. They can benefit you in a way but other times they are pure confusion and regret but let's not forget hilarious. Okay so imagine being with a cousin and a bunch of that cousins friends who you could care less about and they dated you too one quote "Do a chapter on that weird chipmunk sounding music, I think its called night core, wait let me search it on YouTube." I'm gonna take a huge ass guess that person isn't hear and I don't like people getting angry at me I will simply say this. Yes I will and go fuck yourself for laughing at me and my music. Alright and also I was dared to write a story based off of me. So I like that one and hated it at the same time. Its a challenge but once I get the guts and the time I will publish that story on my main account AlwaysEpic and it will be named AlwaysEpic's Tale cause I couldn't think of anything else. Alright so let's go back to the whole dare thing with this thought.

Me: *sits at the table with snickering teenagers*

Teenager 1: Truth or dare

Me: Teenagers scare the living shit outta me! They could care less as long as someone will bleed. *smiles widely for some reason*

Teenager 2: What the fuck just say truth or dare.

Me: Fine dare.

Teenager 1: I dare you to extreme parkour.

Me: What the actual fuck. How do I do that?

Teenager 2: *Stands on table and takes off shirt*

Me: Oh my gosh its Magic Mike kill him with fire!! *throws miscellaneous items*

Teenager 2: *eyebrow wiggles*

Me: *jumps out of chair, throws drink at his face, runs for dear life, jumps over toddler, trips over couch, catches self and runs outside, almost gets hit by car, all happens in slowmo.*

Teenager 1 & 2: That's how you get someone to do extreme parkour.

Cousin: That's how you kill someone dumbass.

Teenager 1: *shrugs* Same difference ones just more awesome.

Yeah that's kinda what happened during truth or dare except more laughing and chicks I was gonna stab with my hidden narwhal horn. And what have I learned? If someone insults your music during truth or dare the rest of the game will end with very upset people. Remember it cause I've kept it noted long enough to write this know its time to forget and write about Pokémon. Yes Pokémon.

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