Pessimist I think not!

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SN: Still updating without B16. She'll be with me again one day! One day! Okay so you know how people are like pessimist, optimist, realist? Okay so people who have known me for a few months claim me as a pessimist but I don't think it's true. There should be a category for those who are honestly just realists who think positively or like to daydream. Sometimes it's not so black and white sometimes you have to dive into the gray. Isn't that right B16 oh right she's not here. -_- That child I swear anyway what do you guys think. I mean To me a pessimist is a bit more than  just seeing the glass half empty and sometimes just being a realist or a deep thinker gets you put into the category of a pessimist. Though that may be wrong in my eyes you can always call me a little crazy. (yes a little I know your gonna read this B16) I have no idea why but Sargent is out again. I meant to post this awhile ago and forgot all about it whoops. I guess now I can say HAPPY MIDNIGHT! I OFFICIALLY WAVE GOODBYE TO ALL YOU MAJESTIC PEOPLE OUT THERE!

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